Hello new weight loss blog :D

Hi Bon - Always hard after Christmas x
Hi Bon, glad you are doing so well, keep it up!!

We've just had quite a heavy downpour of snow but fortunately it hasn't come to anything yet!! As long as it stays that way until I get home.
Thanks guys :) yeah it is always harder after Christmas I find... after over indulging for so long :S but it's my health I worry about so I need to do better!

It's snowing on and off here too :S There was talk that the office would close at 1, but seems that it's ok now as the sun is out so melting some of it, so of course now it's slushy and therefore more slippery :S Not looking forward to walking home...

Hope everyone's well and we all seem in our diet mode's which is good :)
hey honey. hope the walk home wasn't too bad. i've been told that i musn't try to go to work if it's risky, so basically not to get the bus because the walk in between the bus stop and work is trechorous so my manager told me, so hopefully we can get the car out tomorrow. although we are forecast more snow tonight :S there's already nigh on 8 inches in our street. unheard of for leeds!!

abz xx
Isn't it weird all this snow! I have never seen the centre of Newcastle have as much snow as now, it never settles in out estate, I dread to think what it's like at Mum and Dads! How is it at your Mums? is she snowed in?

Well i am still managing to get into work! boo! That's the bad thing about only living 15 minutes away, I have no excuse :S Jamie works about a mile away and was sent home an hour and a half early last night, just cos they were sending everyone home. Not heard yet if he's got in this morning but the buses should be ok, it's just seeing if the office is open :S

It still looks sooo pretty though! i do like it when it's like this :) I took some photos on the way home last night but they were in the dark so didn't come out too well :S

Well diet wise I am doing well :) I have been using the My Fitness Pal site which I am finding good for being able to write down what I eat each day and then seeing how many calories, carbs etc it all is. And i can record my exercise too, walking to and from work and then the Wii Fit when I do it. Although by the looks of it I am still getting used to low calorie foods :S I live off bread, potatoes and pasta :S And also I am amazed at how little iron i get :S but then that was something I was tested for a lot throughout the chemo cos I am a veggie and my iron levels were always ok, I do eat lots of baked beans and asparagus... I have researched more into what foods contain iron and i will get some :) I'm gonna have an avacardo bagel for lunch :) yum.

Also this walking through the snow is good exercise! It is sooo tiring I am knackered when I get into work :)

Hope everyone's well and the snow's not being too much of a problem :S
Hi Bon - the snow certainly is beautiful but I was walking very carefully today and still found it slippy - I did avoid falling though x
Morning Gemstone, yeah it is certainly getting more slippy :( I hate that part of the snow, it must be terrible driving in it :S

Glad you managed to avoid falling, it's quite scary as it's so easy to break a bone! hope everyone's being careful.
Well I am still pleased with myself and my dieting efforts :) We had a quorn burger and salad last night, and although i became hungry about 10pm I didn't eat as i knew i was going to bed again soon, so i just got some water to drink :)

Hopefully I'll do ok over the weekend as well :S I always find it harder being at home... and we have chocolates left from Christmas :( I also think I am eating too much bread, I think i need to perhaps just have things on toast then at least it's just one slice of bread... Sandwiches are just so easy...

Well tonight we're going to the panto :D I am soooo excited!! It's Peter Pan :D I've only been to panto once before and that was Aladdin, I loved that, so hopefully this one is just as fun :)

Hope everyone is well and managing to keep warm, it's freezing today!
Keep safe yourself Bon - The snow still looks lovely out of the front window x
Hi Nomad :) thanks :D

Yeah that's a good idea... I do them for my boyfriends packed lunch sometimes as he prefers them to bread, so they would be less calories wouldn't they with being less bread.... I hadn't thought of it like that, good idea! thanks :D

Hope you're well today? and managing to keep warm!
No worries, I occasionally have good ideas!!

I'm good thanks although bored stupid and wish I wasn't at work!!! I'm lovely and warm at the moment.

Hope you are well also and keeping warm!
I too am bored! and wish I wasn't at work :(

But it's Friday :D and we get to finish at 3 on Fridays :) wooo.

Hope the afternoon goes quick for you Nomad and you have a nice weekend :)
wish i finished at 3. even though i've basically had an extra week off work due to the snow, ha. i have another three hours to go. woo.

abz xx
I suspect you are clock watching as I post - counting down the minutes of the last hour x
Morning :) I can't believe it's Monday again already :S why do weekends seem to go so fast!

Well we had a nice one, went to the panto Friday :D and then just stayed in trying to keep warm :) So nice and relaxing.

I am only working today and tomorrow and then i've taken 2 days holiday as it's Jamie's birthday :D so i can't complain!

Well food wise... had a couple of glasses of wine at the panto but I don't think I went over my calories... Saturday I had a healthy fry up... if there is such a thing, but i tend to grill everything and then do poached eggs :) so yum! Jamie made us tacos yesterday, so the tacos themselves weren't too good but the filling was ok, veggie mince and veg and salad on the top and jalapenoes and refried beans :) again yum! so had some nice meals lately.

We did a small food shop so we have healthy things for dinners, so i have some cous cous and fruit today :)

Well, I hope everyone else is well and had a nice weekend :D
hey babes. tacos sound yummy :) i had mince and onions with mash and brocolli last night. and gravy of course :) not exactly a culinary art but fab comfort food and quick and easy :D reminded me of my grandma. i'm not sure why as i don't remember her making it, but i suppose she must have. with yorkshire puddings of course, ha.

abz xx