Hello new weight loss blog :D

Hey everyone :) sorry for not logging in last week :S

I had a lovely time at Abi's :D It's always good to see her :) Hopefully she enjoyed her birthday :)

Well I am back and well and truly dieting :S I went to the Doctors last week as I felt unwell and run down. Apparently my immune system is gonna be up and down for years, but they took a blood test to rule out anything serious and now they are worrying me into dieting :S

My blood sugar level was border line and my cholesterol was high and I am way too over weight :( Sigh. Soooo he's put me on a low fat diet for 3 months and I have to go back then. So I HAVE to lose weight. I think hearing it from a Doctor makes it that bit more serious! It is my health at the end of the day.

So I am getting my head sorted. I have been exercising more and enjoying that, it's just the eating that's taking some time really. Getting my head in to thinking that I don't need to eat just cos I feel slightly hungry :S

I was talking to Jamie loads about it last night and I came to the realisation that I am scared of feeling hungry as when I was going through chemo and I felt hungry it hurt lots and made me really sick :S so i kinda panic when I feel hungry. It's soooo weird how the mind thinks... so yeah now I realise that, that should help. It's all just time and sticking with it until it becomes the norm and second nature though I think.

So, so far I'm doing well. I am going to treat myself every Friday with a chocolate bar and that's it. Everything else is healthy. So i've been having salads, wraps and jacket tatties for lunch, and stir fries and bean salads and potatos and things for tea. So I am feeling better about it all.

I was doing ok before though and told the doctor that I have lost nearly half a stone since Christmas just by eating normally and not over indulging like I did at Christmas, so that's something. Now I just need to cut the amount... I am calorie couting on MyFitnessPal which is really helping :)

Sooooo here's to the thinner, lighter me for March!

Anyway! hope everyone else is ok? I shall go and check diaries now while we're having a quiet day at work :)
Hi Bon

Are you a Friday weigh in. If so, why not join Friday Girls and post your results there x
hey bon. it's great that you have a goal and that you have three months to make a difference before you get back to the docs. no birthdays in that time either. at least christmas and jamie's birthday are over now :)

abz xx
Morning Bon - Wake up calls can be life changing for the better sometimes. Just keep going and enjoy the journey.

I have a birthday on Monday - there are cream cakes waiting in my fridge for tomorrow. I wonder if I can take them in and resist (???)
Hi Bon, hope you are okay. Good luck with the low fat diet but from what you have said, I think you will do it!!

Gem, you must resist!!!!!!!
Thanks everyone :) you're all lovely. I certainly feel like I need lots of encouragment :S it's weird but I just seem to be thinking about food allllll the time now!

Buut I've been doing well :) I went on the Wii Fit for ages on Saturday morning and did a total work out, and felt much better for it :) with lots of aching muscles on the Sunday :S

Food wise I've been doing well :) wine wise I haven't! :S I had said I didn't want to drink for a while now but me and Jamie hadn't spent a weekend together for ages so we wanted to relax with wine, which is a lot of calories :S oops. But I did well with the food, and having no cheese or chocolate in the house really really helps!! Now I have to think of an alternative instead of just making something cheesy, so this is good. Have had some nice stirfries lately and salads.

I went for my Gluscose tolerance test this morning, so fingers crossed it's all ok and I have time to stop diebetes! it is certainly a wake up call and has made me all the more determined to lose weight.

I have been reading up on diets and calories and exercise and things and feel like I am getting my head around it all now. I think it is such a shame that we didn't get taught all this at school! Well perhaps we did but I don't remember it... and my Mum and Dad dont know about health and fitness to teach me... My nephew and niece have a lesson once a week now at school which teaches them how it all works, so I wish we'd had that.

Anyway. I shall get on the Wii Fit again tonight, and I had to fast for this Glucose test this morning so so far all I've had is a sandwich, think I'll have the last of the stir fry for tea.

Thanks for the suggestion Gem :) I am not sure when I shall have my weigh in day, I am just using the Wii Fit to see my weight losses really, cos it tells you how you've differed from last time you were on there. So far the graph is a nice down line from Christmas :D
Hi Bon, that all sounds nice and promising, especially the down line on the graph!!!

I'm vegetarian too and tend to make most things with cheese. Unfortunately I absolutely adore cheese so don't see it as a bad thing - although I know there is a lot of fat in cheese!!!!
Aw I looooove cheese too! but looking at what I eat my high cholesterol seems to be from that and too many eggs :S :( So cutting down seems like a good idea, and besides I am finding lots of alternatives and like the variation :)

How are things with you Nomad? do you have a diary?
Ah yes, I hadn't thought about it from the cholesterol point of view. I'm trying to get more variation into my diet but I do rather like my cheese too much!!! Also, I can't drink milk so I use the cheese as an excuse to get my calcium!

I do have a diary http://www.minimins.com/members-only-diaries/91467-nomads-diary-yay-back-track-losing-again-74.html and I hope the link works!!!!

Things are going good thanks, handed in my notice last week and got nothing else to go to!!! I have applied for jobs though so I might have something by the time I leave at the end of February.

Things sound like they are going good with you?
hey babes. good news on the dieting and exercising front :D good luck with your glucose test results!!

what i find really odd is now that i can't drink wine i don't miss it. sometimes i have the non-alyfrol variety but that's got just as many calories in it probably, ha. so no better. but it's something i thought i would miss more. i wouldn't worry about it too much. if you are doing plenty of other compromising then the odd glass or two shouldn't hurt :)

abz xx
I'll post my nut carrot and mushroom ball recipe when I get time. If you have cereal with unsweatened soya milk from Tesco (chill counter) it is enriched with calcium. Philly light is a low fat alternative, so is baby bel light x
Aw thanks for everyone's comments :)

Nomad - I know what you mean about liking cheese too much! everything does seem to taste better with it! hee. But then Gemstone's suggested some good alternatives, I find that some low fat philidelphia in pasta is nearly as nice as grated chedder on the top :)
Hope you manage to find another job soon then :) what kinda thing are you looking for? The job market does seem to be picking up though, so fingers crossed for you :)

Abz - yeah wine is my total weakness... ok so I say that about cheese and chocolate too :S But yeah, I keep meaning to get vodka with low cal mixer, that is much better calorie wise, it's just not as satisfying as having a chilled glass of rose over the weekend :S but it's all about trying alternatives ... and like you said I can have wine as a treat every now and then :) thanks :)

Gemstone - ah thanks, I really like the sound of that recipe :) I wish I'd asked you for ideas for our Christmas meal now! You certainly do have good ideas. Ah yeah, I do tend to go for things like extra low fat philly and cottage cheese and things. I have never tried soya milk, I keep meaning to....
Well I am really pleased with myself :) I feel like my head is really getting sorted the more I learn about and practice this healthy lifestyle.

I have never been one for exercise, and I know I have lots of health problems cos of that, so I think I've found having to fit exercise into my life harder than eating well....

But yeah, I am enjoying the Wii Fit and have been on it most nights and make sure I get to the point where I work up a sweat and my heart beats faster, so now I need to push that and carry on for a bit longer as I am only doing about 20 minutes on average, so I shall work up to half an hour a day soon.

As well as walking to and from work each day I am pleased with this :) I've started taking the stairs to the office too and we're on the 6th floor, it's a bit embarrasing arriving at work out of breath but I am finding it easier the more i do it.

Eating wise I am pleased too, I am starting to freak out less when I feel hungry and just sticking to 3 meals a day. So it's all working well and I am chuffed :D

I get my glucose tolerance results today and i am preparing myself for the worst :( but then all the research I've read about it shows that it can be controlled with diet and exercise, so I am seeing all this as something I HAVE to do rather than something I want to... so that helps mentally.

Well I shall go and catch up with everyone now :)
Hi Bon, good luck with the test results today.

Well done on the healthy mind set. I wish I could get back into it.

I HAVE to have grated cheese on things and then cooked in the oven - devine!!!!!! Obviously I don't do that with everything.

Thanks for the good luck re the job. I'm not really looking for anything. I have decided to stay at work 2 days a week, be doing things to promote my reflexology business the other 2 days and then use the last day to do the shopping etc and then we get to have the weekends to ourselves.
Woooo I just rang for my results and my glucose tollerance is normal :D phew! I was so worried. It has certainly been a wake up call and I am so releaved that I have time to stop myself from getting diabetes. So I am on to it!!
Thanks Nomad :)

You sound to be doing very well with all that exercise you do :) so I wouldnt worry :)

And that sounds ideal for you, that you can still work a few hours a week then but have more time to focus on your business. Best of luck :)
That's great news Bon - I will post that recipe in my diary soon - it's just a bit manic at the moment but I won't forget x
Well things are still going well, and I do feel a little thinner... not sure I am but my tummy doesnt feel as bloated if you get what i mean...

I have had a very good week, and see no problems in continuing :D I made a nice salad for our teas last night and have a lunch box of it today too for lunch time.

I have been snacking on blueberries and grapes too so that's keeping me from the snack machine :)

I didn't go on the Wii Fit last night though, had a night off, I felt a bit guilty about it really but I shouldn't need to go on it every single night surely! so as long as it's more often than not I am happy with that :)

Well I hope everyone else is well today. It's neeearly, kinda the weekend soon :) so that's getting me through today, hee.