Hello new weight loss blog :D

BOOOONNNNN! well done for the loss babes, that's freaking awesome! Glad you enjoyed your weekend as well, that's wicked :)
I havent got time to comment properly, cant wit to have my own net.
mwaaah! well done!
Hiya Bon, it was good to hear you sounding so positive during the week. I hope you've had a good week and you're having a good productive day again today. Have a good weekend xx

ps: what was your weight loss this week?
hey babes. i have set myself a crimbo challenge. i want to lose 2 stones by then. since thomas's folks are coming to stay around the 10th i think it is, then it's going to have to be by then really, and then not put it all back on over christmas, ha.

you fancy joining me in this endeavor since you are doing so well already?

abz xx
Good morning :)

Thanks for the comments :) And thanks MinusFour for the rep! no worries about not commenting, I was surprised the name wasn't automatically included, but I wanted to thank you personally :)

Thanks Pink and Nomad. I didn't weigh myself last week :S oops, am hoping for another loss though as I am doing well and exercising lots :D

Ah good goal Abi - I am in! Although it shall be a challenge to not put it back on over Christmas! but i like that goal. I want to see the New Year in 2 stone lighter, that should be do-able... Are you doing slimming world Abz or just your own diet?

Welllll I have had a very very very busy 4 day weekend! It was the annual Heritage event, so I had booked us in for lots of local history talks and tours :D We managed 13 over the 4 days! was loads of fun and very interesting. Lots of local places which aren't normally open to the public were putting on tours. We were constantly walking around from about 10 til 4 each day! My legs ached every day and I am still recovering! so loads of exercise it was.

So highlights... the best one was going up the bell tower of the cathedral here, was sooooo scary though! a tiny winding staircase which was steep and enclosed, and then being on the roof was really high! but the views were amazing! so well worth it. What else... we had some tours walking around Newcastle hearing about the old pubs, Victorian times, and what it was like in Roman times.... We had a tour of the Victorian Tyne Theatre where the guides were acting out as visitors and staff from those days to tell you the history that way :) Gah there was loads going on, really enjoyed it :)

Not so happy about being back to work today though! but never mind, am going for a cuppa after work tonight with my friend so that should be nice, I shall avoid the cake!

Hope everyone else is well? I shall spend this morning catching up with dairies :D
Hiya Bon,

What a wonderful long weekend it sounds like you've had! Our holidays are great so far, lots of sun, um, lots of food, sore legs like yours from walking so much! How will you go about losing two stone? Glad you are back!
Hiya Bon, sounds like you had a great weekend.

Well done on all the walking and eating well, I'm sure you'll lose this week, but you must remember to weigh yourself!!!!

Hope you have a good evening xx
Afternoon everyone :) How are we all today?

Glad you're enjoying your holiday MinusFour :) sounds lovely.

Thanks Nomad, am still hobbling on my leg but at least I know it's from lots of exercise!

Well today I am struggling with the urge to eat! I think I have pmt or something! :S as i just want to comfort eat! I gave in and had some CocoPops for breakfast which I wish I hadn't as I wasn't hungry and it was a waste of 175 calories and there is no nutritian in them!

I have a tofu and salad wrap for lunch and cup a soup, so that's all good, but I am trying sooo hard to resist eating it now and getting something else over my lunch break at 1! but i know I will be cross with myself so i've come on here to take my mind off it.

Last night I was good and shared some Reggee Noodles with Jamie but then I gave in and had a fried egg sandwich at about 10pm! Am sooo annoyed with myself!! :( I just can't seem to get in that totally perfect zone which is making me feel more and more miserable and of course the effect of that is that I just want to eat more and more! :(

I really feel like going home, putting my pyjamas on and curling up with a film and a huge bowl of cheesey pasta and then a large bar of Whole Nut! I used to do that frequently as much as I hate to admit it, so at least I haven't done that in years! but I am still fatter than I was in those days :( sigh.

Ohhh I am having a right moan! sorry! Am just trying to get it all out on here so that i don't run to the fridge or the snack machine.

I am going to the market in my lunch break then I can get some blueberries and things to nibble on, I think that is the way forward, then I can eat lots but it's not too many calories. I think that is a possitive idea :) Although I think they're out of season now so I shall see what fruit there is. I also fancy some veg sticks too so will get some carrots and peppers... celary is too noisey to eat at work though!

So how is everyone today? it looks sunny outside, am looking forward to getting out of the office for a bit :)

Right I need something to take my mind off food!
Hiya Bon,

How about some frozen berries? Just pop them in the microwave for a minute or so. (We don't get frozen blue berries, cause their skin always seems a bit chewy- raspberries are to die for!)
I am all to familiar with that eat/food/eat/food chant. There must be some deep psychological reason for it, I'm sure, which if I could only uncover and understand, I could set right. Or, PMT!
I am taking it easy with my food whilst away, pretty much eating whatever I want. Which isn't that much different to how I normally consume food, but without the normal angst. I will be about a million stone soon.
Hope your day gets better sweet heart!
Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you, I purchased two teapots today! Both are beautiful- one chinese, traditional blue and white, and the other is a miniature, very sweet!
Hi Bon - Good to come back and find the world of Bon very smiley x
Ah now that sounds like an idea MinusFour.. I hadn't thought about frozen berries, would be easy enough to defrost some over night for breakfast, shall have to put them on my shopping list!

For now I got some Victoria plums and some grapes, yum. And loooads of salad and veg so i think i'll make salad boxes for lunch tomorrow, or a jacket potato :)

Hehe, MinusFour :) Good news on the new teapots! I like the sound of the little one! So how many is it you have collected now?

Thanks Gemstone, nice to see you :) Yeah I am smiley thanks.

Sooo I am feeling better now I have some fruit to snack on :) I am pleased I managed to resist my wrap til actual lunch time! phew! And i am feeling full now after a cup a soup too so that's good.

Today is being rather slow :( wish it was 6 o'clock now instead of half 2...

Oh I didn't mention, I got a rejection email about that job at the Centre For Life i went for :( was gutted, although I knew i wouldn't get it, but still... So this Friday I really need to step things up and get my CV out there, I can't stand it here much longer :S

So what has everyone planned for the evening? I think we're just having a relaxing one playing some games and watching a film later :) We're going to the cinema tomorrow night and then Thursday is the pub quiz after work :)

Have a good afternoon peeps :)
Hey hey! How's you doing lovely?
That heritage weekend thingy sounds freaking awesome! I would love to have seen it all. Good with all of the walking too!

Sorry that you didn't get the job hun; I'm a firm believer in fate though, so something better must be waiting around the corner!

Victoria plums! they're making my day man! I love it when they're in season....do you think we could freeze them? Take the stones out first maybe? hmmmm...google I think. I found this awesome little fruit stall just around the corner from my uni house and it's so cheap. We got a punnet of strawberries, 6 victoria plums and a nectarine for like £2, madness!!

Hope that you continue to do so well babes!
Hiya Bon, well done on resisting your lunch until lunch time and for avoiding the vending machine.

Hope you're having a nice peaceful evening and you have a good day tomorrow xx
Hi Bon,

Total of seven teapots now, a collection is born! I had a look at miniature teapots on the web last night, (I thought my cat might start a collection too!), you should see how beautiful some of these are! (And how expensive!) Hope yours is a good one!
Hi Bon,

Hope you are having a good one! I went to a tea shop today and purchased two different types of green tea (leaves) after first trying green tea, (first time), so when I get home I'll be using at least one of the pots!
How is your eating coming along?
Hey hey,

Well I have a spare few minutes before I head home, so thought I would see what people are up to. Sorry I've not been on here for a couple of days :S have been helping out in another department which doesn't have internet access! boo!

Thanks for the comments.

Hehe MinusFour, 7 teapots! Enjoy your green tea, I bet it's espcially lovely from your new teapot :D I do like green tea :)

Well it's nearly the weekend, so that's good. I plan to have a productive day tomorrow with Wii Fit and job hunting (and weigh in :S) and then we plan to go to the cinema on Saturday and out for food, then Sunday we have people coming over :) It's also the Great North Run which is a big charity marathon so might go and watch that :) see if I can spot Ant and Dec!

Have a great weekend everyone! hope you're all well. Take care :)
Hi Bon,

Are there many jobs around to apply for? How did the Wi go? I'm heading home tomorrow, I really have to stop eating, calorie slashing starts in about twelve hours!! I got another teapot today- I know this sounds really indulgent, but it was so cheap, I couldn't resist. Hope you are having a good one darling girl!