Smiley Bon
Silver Member
Hey hey, sorry I've not been on here for a few days :S I've been in a right bad mood lately 
I am really angry with work at the moment, this place is unbelievable. I won't bore you with the really long story but basically I run the whole DM department myself, there used to be more of us but they downsized it to just me and everyone else left. So no one, not even my managers, know exactly what i do and how to run this department. I've done this for 4 and a half years now.
So we've been taken over and are merging two companies, the other company has a DM dept of 12 people, so this is merging with me, although I don't even know if these people are relocating up here as they currently work in london, so it might be all new people they recruit.
I've been told none of this officially at all, it's just cos I am friends with my boss and she tells me what's going on when we go for a cuppa after work.
They are sending 2 people from this office down to train in how the DM dept is run down there, but these 2 people know nothing about DM, they've never seen it or helped out or anything. So why aren't they sending me?! or even telling me anything
Also apparently my dept is gonna be one of the first to move over to this new office, but i will be working some days there and some in this office, but - get this - the work i do over there I have to do exactly the same in this office :S so i will do the same thing twice just cos there are 2 different computer systems.
It's all madness and I am so angry and feel so belittled that I am not even being acknowledged yet alone involved.
Sooooo annoyed I am
Sooo I am thinking of handing my notice in soon even though i haven't a job lined up :S
Nomad - I was hoping I could ask you about agency work? cos you've mentioned that you get work that way. Would you be able to tell me how it works as I don't know much about it, and if it is a good idea or not? cos i was thinkig I could do that for a couple of months or so until i find something perminant?
I've been applying for regular admin work - boring but still i can do it until I find something more fun. I just want to get out of here, especially as i am the only one who can train new recruits and i don't want to do that, don't see why I should.
Sorry I am in a rihgt grump
I haven't slept much lately as i've been so upset by it :S
Oh and to top it off, the other day me and my friend were walking home and we passed these young lads who were blowing condoms up like balloons, and they shouted something about us being "big girls". That really upset me
I know they aren't perfect themselves and i should take no notice, but it hurts
I know I am the fattest I've ever been but i tend to convince myself that i am not so bad :S I spoke to Jamie about it and he just said that I am only fat cos I had cancer, which made me feel even worse for some reason. I put on 2 stones i know, but I wasn't exactly thin before then. I suppose i just wanted him to say that I am not fat but that's stupid cos obviously i am and that won't help me as i need to face it in order to do something about it.
But yeah, the whole job thing has made me want to comfort eat! argh. Vicious circle
Ok, i'll shut up now, hee. Sorry to be on a downer. I hope everyone else is well and smiley? I should check out how people are doing and get some motivation at the same time, you're all so good at helping me with that
Take care. Thanks for listening to my moan!
I am really angry with work at the moment, this place is unbelievable. I won't bore you with the really long story but basically I run the whole DM department myself, there used to be more of us but they downsized it to just me and everyone else left. So no one, not even my managers, know exactly what i do and how to run this department. I've done this for 4 and a half years now.
So we've been taken over and are merging two companies, the other company has a DM dept of 12 people, so this is merging with me, although I don't even know if these people are relocating up here as they currently work in london, so it might be all new people they recruit.
I've been told none of this officially at all, it's just cos I am friends with my boss and she tells me what's going on when we go for a cuppa after work.
They are sending 2 people from this office down to train in how the DM dept is run down there, but these 2 people know nothing about DM, they've never seen it or helped out or anything. So why aren't they sending me?! or even telling me anything
Also apparently my dept is gonna be one of the first to move over to this new office, but i will be working some days there and some in this office, but - get this - the work i do over there I have to do exactly the same in this office :S so i will do the same thing twice just cos there are 2 different computer systems.
It's all madness and I am so angry and feel so belittled that I am not even being acknowledged yet alone involved.
Sooooo annoyed I am
Nomad - I was hoping I could ask you about agency work? cos you've mentioned that you get work that way. Would you be able to tell me how it works as I don't know much about it, and if it is a good idea or not? cos i was thinkig I could do that for a couple of months or so until i find something perminant?
I've been applying for regular admin work - boring but still i can do it until I find something more fun. I just want to get out of here, especially as i am the only one who can train new recruits and i don't want to do that, don't see why I should.
Sorry I am in a rihgt grump
Oh and to top it off, the other day me and my friend were walking home and we passed these young lads who were blowing condoms up like balloons, and they shouted something about us being "big girls". That really upset me
But yeah, the whole job thing has made me want to comfort eat! argh. Vicious circle
Ok, i'll shut up now, hee. Sorry to be on a downer. I hope everyone else is well and smiley? I should check out how people are doing and get some motivation at the same time, you're all so good at helping me with that
Take care. Thanks for listening to my moan!