Hello new weight loss blog :D

Aw thanks Nomad. I know you're right. It would probably boost my confidence too doing that... seeing what i am actually capable of and that. Thanks, i should go soon i know.

Although now i am busy for 2 Fridays in a row, sigh. So that's not good. I'll see if i can find time on another day. I need to bite the bullet and just go! They do sound like good places for getting you a job and it would be useful having people apply for jobs for me while i am at work!

Anyway, how is your day being Nomad? Did you get your couple of hours work done? What you up to now?
Hi Bon, yes you definitely need to get registered!! Having a good day thanks and got my bit of work done. Now just watching telly xx
Good afternoon :) Well I had a lovely weekend, was nice spending 3 days with Jamie and we enjoyed lots of board games, computer games, started watched the series Merlin, and had lots of rose Wine :D marvellous.

Unfortunatly i am at work today though, sigh. Sooo annoyed about being made to work bank holiday monday. I dont work fridays anyway so it was a normal weekend for me. Although coming in today i realise that none of the bosses are in (surprise!) and also i havent even that much work to do :S so grr.

Anyway. Stop complaining I shall. My sister is coming to visit on Wedesday til Sunday, so yay. Am looking forward to that. We are going to Beamish which is a big open air museum near here. So that shall be good.

Hope everyone is well? I walked in to work today from the Metro! although that's only cos there are no buses since its bank hol! hehe. Its not that bad a walk though really, so i should do it more often...

Right, now to catch up with everyone :)
Hiya Bon, glad you've had a good weekend. Boo to being at work today, although that's where I would rather be as I'm bored stupid! Yay to walking to work and hopefully now you know it's not too bad, you can do it more often - once the rain stops of course! Hope works goes quickly xx
Hiya Nomad.

Yeah it does suck being here on bank hol. Mainly cos there is hardly anyone here so am rather lonely :S Oh well, i've been doing a job application (shush!)

The afternoon has flown by since i've been concentrating on the form and thinkign about it. I've been doign work inbetween which has helped me think about what to say next really, so am having a productive afternoon!

I want fun tonight though! Jamie's off today so he is gonna tidy up and have tea ready for us when i get in :) Yay.

Yeah the walk in was nice, blew the cobwebs away and helped wake me up. Although it's chucking it down now so not looking forward to the walk home :S Boo to April showers!

Hope youre having a nice day nomad. As if you're bored and would rather be at work :hmm: Hope that means that work is ok for you this week then since you're ready to go back and sound motivated :) are you back tmw?
Oh I forgot to say, Nomad - One of the jobs i applied for was the Bank thing for the NHS you mentioned to me aggggges ago! I saw an advert for it on the NHS jobs website. It's an as and when is needed role, but i thought "Why not?" so fingers crossed! something like that would be ideal to get me out of here and get more experience in admin stuff. :)
Morning Nomad :) Thanks. It was rather wet when i left work and walked to the metro :S I think i need a new umbrella soon as mine is getting rather broken with the wind now :S

I had a nice enough evening, was a domestic one :( I applied for an admin job for the Altzhimers's Society, so fingers crossed about that! although i think it's too out of my league tbh but we'll see.

Am having a nice enough day today, it's nice to have everyone back and see a full office again! everyone's miserable at being back at work though!

Hope youre having a good day. Are you back at work?
Hi Bon, fingers crossed something comes of all these applications. Yay to people being back at work with you. Yep I was back at work today too. I've had better days. Hope you're enjoying your evening xx
Good afternoon.

Thanks! I have allll my fingers crossed too! I was doing an application until 10pm last night :( gah. Boo to not having fun for 2 evenings in a row now, sigh.

Oh well, my sister is coming to visit tonight so i am meeting her from the bus after work. Yay. Am looking forward to a couple of days of shopping and then Beamish on Saturday. So that'll be nice.

I am rather bored today :( I have been listening to Podcasts which is helping :)
Hi Bon. Sorry I've not been round the diaries for a while - just catching up at the moment x
hey hon. how's work going today? i'm just finishing up mine but my boss seems to have wandered from skype so just waiting to find out if he needs anything else before i leave :)
Hey hey

Well i had a lovely few days with my sister :) We did a bit of all sorts. Lots of shopping and I showed her the Discovery Museum and then Saturday we had a great day out at Beamish. So was nice.

I've had a cold since Beamish though :( and now i have an ear infection. I've never had one before so it's rather weird. I went to the doctors this morning though and got some antibiotics.

It's raining again today. I wish it'd warm up! I can't seem to feel warm lately. I've been eating much better though, been eating a lot of salads and even fruit! So that's good.

Well I hope everyone else is ok? i shall check diaries now