
Aw thanks guys!
Weeeell i _think_ it went really well. I came out of there all positive and thinking i'd made a good impression and got on with them well. Buut then last night i was lying awake for ages and all i could think about was all the negative stuff and i kept thinking that i wish i'd done so much differently, sigh. Sooo i dont know
I had a trial for about 3 hours where i made soup

and then served some customers and i did really enjoy it, was fun. Although it was quiet and it wont be like that at all during school holidays! Then i had a short interview and i think i did well there and it was a nice chat with them i think.
They said that they are interviewing 3 people and want to hire 2 people :S They will let me know on Thursday afternoon she said.
So we will see. Oh the hours thing is fine, i am sure there will be plenty of hours to work, and its a casual contract cos of the busyness being so different during term and holiday times you see.
So hummm. I will see. I did enjoy the experience if nothing else though. But i do kinda have my hopes up. I've come in here today and i am just sat at my desk sooooo bored and staring at the clock. I know this job would be super busy and challengeing but i feel ready for that and to feel like i am not wasting my days kinda thing.
Annnnyway. Will keep you posted!
Another thing is that i'll be on my feet all day and therefore getting exercise, and i shall be so busy i wont have time to eat :S see. So that'd be good for me i am sure.
Hope everyone is ok? i shall check diaries now

Thanks again for the Good Lucks!