Morning guys
Ah yeah, they had that Fawlty Towers thing on here, it sounded really really good, but it was £50 each and then I think i'd feel quite intimidated :S ha. Would be awesome fun though you'd have to be up for food being spilt on you and stuff, ha.
Terry Pratchett is an amazing author

I haven't read that one, i think we have it on our bookshelf though.
Well I am feeling alright today. My eating is terrible, esp with the Eat Festival :S and we keep having wine, sigh. Last night when i was walking home there was this chav girl sat on the pavement outside Subway with her legs out in front of her and drinking from a large 3 letre bottle of cider. She was swearing at a bus going by when i walked past so i looked at her as she surprised me as she was loud. Then she started calling me fat and saying Look at that fat arse, it couldn't wobble anymore... etc. Sigh. At the time i felt really sad and upset but then as i carried on walking and just ignored her I was thinking. And i thought about how, yes I am fat I know i am, but we've been doing all these Eat Festival events and having nice wine and cheese and things lately and I am enjoying it all. We eat a lot of great food and i enjoy it and look forward to it. I work each day in a job i hate to enjoy these kind of things. So yeah, i looked at that way and at least I wasn't sat on the pavement drinking cheap cider being angry at the world.
I thought it was weird as I was on my way home from a stress management class, and i'd called in the library and had a book on how to beat depression in my bag. Ha. So then i thought about how at least i was trying to do something about it. And i am focusing on getting me happy, then i'll focus on my weight. It's small steps and one thing at a time.
So yeah, i have mixed feelings about it. I just hate how society judges people sooooo much on how they look. It's stupid. It should be about the person you are, not what you look like. But then we all do it, it's human nature. I was judging her but then she might be going through anything and have had a tramatic life or anything... so yeah. I just find it weird.
Well I am tired today, didn't get much sleep again. But then this stress management class last night focused on that, and techniques to help, so i did some of those, like keep a sleep diary and get up when i didn't sleep after 25 minutes. So i am trying. It'll just take a while to get in to a routine.
It's my weekend after today, woo. Got lots of shopping to do tomorrow as it's payday. We also have a wedding on Sunday so i need something to wear, and i want my hair cutting.
It's a chilli and beer festival on Saturday which i am looking forward to. There is a competition to see how can eat the hottest chilli, so that'll be entertaining, ha. Then the wedding in Thirsk on Sunday and we're staying in a posh hotel sunday night and we're off work monday

so yay.
Sorry for the long message! hope everyone's ok. I'll check diaries in a bit. Need to get on with some work now first though.