Hello, good afternoon.
Well I am doing really well with my healthy eating

am pleased with myself. Well i've had a couple of chocolate bars this week but i've allowed for the calories by having salads with falafel and olives for dinner and stuff like that. So i am pleased with myself.
This might be too much information but i've had a horrible tummy lately, as in pains in my stomach and intestines and then having to run to the toilet quick. It's lasted since last week now. I don't know what is going on but I am pleased i am eating better as i know that'll help and I've started to keep a food diary and record when the pains are and things so if it's not better next week i'll go see the doctor. I am also going to try some live yoghurt. So i hope this gets sorted as i havent been to the toilet normally in ages
So anyway. Other news is that i have a disiplinary at work on Monday. Sigh. I have to have a meeting with the bosses and explain why i didn't come in on the bank holiday. I have a list as long as my arm though of what i want to say. There are lots of things i want to bring up so i am going to use it as a good reason to chat to the big boss and tell her exactly how unhappy and miserable i am with this place and why. I'll see what she says back. I am not that worried about it as i know that at the end of the day the worst they can do is sack me and that wouldnt be a problem. So we'll see.
I know i can't stay here much longer though. I say this every b***y day i am here though

But it's just getting so hard and i am sick of not feeling like myself anymore. I miss the happy me who didnt care about such stupid things like jobs.
Its just a bit of a big, life changing kinda decision to just quit. But i think facing up to it is the way i have to do it. I need to set a date and leave by then regardless.
Anyway. It's the weekend for me soon, so that's good. Gonna spend tomorrow applying for jobs and also i wanna go to the Citizens Advice as i want advice on this new contract they're bringing in at work that i dont want to sign as i dont want to work weekends. So i need advice on that and what to do. So it shall be a productive day tomorrow. And then a relaxing weekend.
My work friend has just got back from traveling around India for 5 months. I was just talking to her this afternoon and it was so amazing hearing her stories. I get so bogged down focusing on work and it's stupid, life is so amazing with so much to do and see! So i am itching for new things now!
Well i hope everyone is ok? I shall check diaries in a minute.
Take care people