
P.S. I haven't been eating enough superfrees or drinking enough water :( x
Katie, drink as much water as you can tonight! X
Thanks guys! Sorry I let the team down this week :worthy: I'll do what you said RWS :waterbottle::waterbottle::waterbottle: Loving the 1/2 stone award shiny in your signature :D Cinnamon!! I only just saw you'd lost 5lbs! Well done! You both deserved those losses, you're both so good sticking to the plan :) xx
Good luck for tonight x
Good evening!!

I was very happy at weigh-in today, managed to loose another 1.5 pounds!
:bliss: I was brill today, very healthy, drank loads of water and I worked so got some exercise. I think it saved me! Got to get my half a stone award next week!

Food diary
apple, pineapple and strawberry fruit salad with vanilla Mullerlight on top and a cuppa made with skimmed milk (part of HEA).
Break: 3 Ryvita Multigrain (HEB) with 3 LCLCT (Laughing Cow Light cheese triangles), lean ham and cucumber, strawberry Mullerlight and some Walker's Squares.
Just now: naughty things as it's treat night
:giggle: Back on it tomorrow!!

Anyway it's only a short one, I know I'm incredibly lucky to loose weight this week
:scale: Hope everyone else is good, Friday tomorrow!!

That's fab Katie! Shame you couldn't have wee'd out another half pound eh? But yes, definitely get that shiny next week and we can display our shinys together! xx

Naughty things? LOL c'mon, spill!
Ok it's confessions time!

First of all Thursday night: ham and cheese sandwich made with Lurpak butter as spread, white bread and salad cream, cheese and onion McCoys and a big bag of Minstrels and a glass of vino. Excuse: I didn't eat before I went to weigh-in as I was working and went straight to the SW meeting from work. I normally have a treat after weigh-in anyway.

Friday night: lemon drizzle cake, takeaway Chinese - crispy shredded beef and egg fried rice and some prawn crackers, a few mints and some vino. Excuse: My auntie came down from the Midlands and had brought lemon drizzle cake with her, then we thought we'd get Chinese and drink wine (no excuses really!) I was good all day up until I had the lemon drizzle cake

Saturday: ice cream, chip shop chips, a donut, some houmous and tortillas, meatballs and tagliatelle, garlic bread, chocolate cake, lemon drizzle cake, vino and vodka. Excuse: Other auntie came down with her friend, mum's best friend and her daughter came over and we went out and basically I had what I wanted!

Ok so not good really! Today I have mostly been good:

Food diary
Breakfast: lean bacon, fried (in Fry Light) egg, canned plum tomatoes (sf) and brown toast (HEB) with Bertolli spread (? syns - will find out) and a cuppa with skimmed milk (part of HEA).
Lunch: an apple (sf) and...........a whole pack of jumbo salt and vinegar Snack-a-Jacks (? syns - will find out)
Dinner will be: fajitas - chicken or beef(?) fried in fajita seasoning and Fry Light, Lighter Choice fajita wraps (? syns - will find out) and salad.

Been drinking low cal squash throughout the day. Although I had the Snack-a-Jacks I thought I'd have a bit of fruit as well because I thought it might counteract the naughty stuff slightly
:giggle: I know, I know! Naughty girl I am! So as usual I'm gonna be good from now on and try and regain control. I know it will backfire on me one day but I will still enjoy myself. I don't regret eating all the crap because I had a nice time with my family and life is too short to be completely rigid all of the time.

Hope everyone is all good, lots of love xxxx
How's it been today Katie? I hope you're back on plan now... X
Hello :wavey:

I was doing well yesterday although I didn't eat any superfrees or drink enough water. I did a 12 hour shift and it was mad! We didn't stop and so when it came to my breaks I only ate my Ryvitas with Low Low Mature Cheddar spread, ham and cucumber and Walker's Squares. In my two 15 minute tea breaks I wasn't feeling very hungry and so didn't have anything. I also forgot to take a bottle of water and so was trying to grab a glass of water here and there. Then right at the end of shift I had four biscuits and a cupcake
:doh: When I got home mum made me SW friendly egg, chips and beans but I drank a few glasses of wine and had some Walker's Squares and a few sneaky chocolates :ashamed0005:

Today I have been good:

Food diary
porridge (HEB) made with skimmed milk (part of HEA) and a cuppa made with skimmed milk (part of HEA).
Then later I think:
Lunch: not sure yet, maybe a salad and some SW scones and then some fruit salad (sf) that my mum has very kindly made for us
Dinner: fajitas - chicken fried in fajita seasoning and Fry Light with rice and salad (so not really fajitas
;)) I didn't make fajitas Sunday night.
Snacks: fruit, Mullerlights and Walker's Squares later.

I need to plan what I'm going to eat on Thursday when I'm doing another 12 hour shift. Definitely need to take some water and drink a load of it, there's a water fountain that I can refill my bottle with. I might have salad and some SW scones and fruit. Need to make sure I actually eat it!

I ate and drank things yesterday which really didn't make me feel any better and so I wasted my time and potentially (and probably) jeopardised my weight loss
:sigh: However at the time I didn't think, I ate (and drank). I really need to work on actually thinking! Anyone reading this is probably shaking their heads and thinking I'm crap lol. I know I'm crap but I'm trying!

Hope everyone is good xx
Good evening!

In the end I had some fruit salad (strawberries, melon and pineapple - superfree) with Mullerlight on, some SW scones and some Walker's Squares (5.5 syns). For dinner I had beef and onions fried in fajita seasoning and other stuff my mum mixed together, all free, and Fry light with wholemeal noodles and salad (sf). I had a Mullerlight and a packet of Snack-a-Jacks (4.5 syns) for a snack this evening.

Total syns for today: 10. Been drinking some fizzy flavoured low-cal water, squash and tea, need to drink more really. But still, one good day done and dusted. I was tempted to have a mint today but resisted and thought, 'Why mess up a completely good day for the sake of a mint?!'

Gonna have another good day tomorrow and Thursday and then
:fingerscrossed: I can loose a little bit and get my half a stone shiny :scale:

Night night all, sweet dreams xx
Good afternoon!

Had a good day:

Food diary
grilled lean bacon and fried (in Fry Light) egg toastie sandwich made with Nimble (HEB) and a little bit of Bertolli spread (4 syns) syns), a little bit of brown sauce (1 syn) and a cuppa made with skimmed milk (part of HEA). Will eat some sort of superfree in a bit.
Lunch: same as yesterday but I enjoyed it. Fruit salad (strawberries, melon and pineapple - superfree) with Mullerlight on top, SW scones, a packet of Snack-a-Jacks (4.5 syns) and a cuppa made with skimmed milk (part of HEA).
Dinner will be: an lean ham omelette and canned plum tomatoes.

Going to the cinema but I'll just take some Pepsi Max with me. I don't need naughty things

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Good day so far Katie! Found this for you x


  • image-1101413613.jpg
    165 KB · Views: 30
Good luck tonight! X
Good luck tonight! X
Thank you!


Only a quick one as it's 1am! Luckily I have a day off tomorrow! I got weighed-in tonight (last night) and I'd lost 3.5lbs!!!!!! OMG! I could not believe it! I obviously didn't deserve it but I'm happy all the same. I've started noticing a bit of difference in my clothes and looking at my face as well. All of which is spurring me on.

Had a good day today:

Food diary
Breakfast: 35g Shredded Wheat Bitesize (part of HEB) with skimmed milk (part of HEA) and sweetener.
Lunch: apple, grape, orange and pineapple fruit snack-pot (sf), 3 Ryvita Multigrains (part of HEB and 4 syns) with 3 LCLCT (4.5 syns) and cucumber (sf) and some Snack-a-Jacks (4.5 syns).
After being weighed in: Walker's Squares (5.5 syns).
Dinner: KFC (copious amounts of syns!), wine and a bit of chocolate.

Syns: loads!

Night night all! Sweet dreams xxxx :nightf:
Omg that's amazing, well done!! X
Thank you!

Good evening!

Food diary
grilled lean bacon and fried (in Fry Light) egg toastie sandwich made with 2 slices Nimble wholemeal (HEB) and 2 LCLCT as spread (3 syns), some canned plum tomatoes (sf) and a cuppa made with skimmed milk (part of HEA).
Lunch: SW scones and reduced fat houmous (6 syns) and a grape, apple, orange and pineapple fruit snack-pot (sf).
Dinner: jacket potato with spaghetti hoops and cheddar cheese (a bit too much cheddar infact! 5 syns).

Been drinking Pepsi Max and one tea with skimmed milk (part of HEA). Need to drink more water.

Syns: 14

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And there's the lovely pink shiny! Bet you never thought you'd get that yesterday, LOL xxx