Full Member
Hello all! Sorry been absent for longer than I thought! Mum was taken into hospital so been traveling back and forwards from there x she's now back home and doing finebeen catching up on events welcome back Milky! And a big welcome to makemeskinnyplease ( how do you want to shorten that name? Lol :giggle
hi Issy sounds like the new club is working for you
xxx anyway missed being part of the group so onwards and downwards aye? Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend, just squeezing the last of the mild weather at the moment :character00238:
I was thinking of u and wonderfish the other day! Hope your mum is ok and its nothing serious x x .. and welcome back!
I'm at the hospital tomo, just hanging about whilst my grandad has his pacemaker fixed so he's not alone, he had it done a few weeks ago and it turns out they didn't connect the wires properly so he's having to go through it all again.

Diet didn't so as angelic as planned today, forgot lunch and there wasn't anything sw friendly so I had a afternoon off, hoping the lack of syns all week makes tomo's weigh alright though, I had a sneaky midweek one and was doing well...we shall see!
Hope everyone had a lovely weekend x x