Hello :)


Sorry I've been AWOL, was plagued by illness AGAIN,gonna have to have my tonsils removed. Upshot is I've lost a few lbs:D

How you getting on?? Did you get out on your bike? Choccie fix looks fab, whats your recipe?

Oh dear hope you are feeling better now!

Ive been failing miserably, I decided to give up with slimming world and try calorie counting again...but it turns out I don't have the will power to stop when I've ran out of calories so started following sw again as of today. I forgot to weigh myself this morning but think I've put on a lb or 2 :cry:

The choccy fix is simply an egg whisked with a options hot choc and microwaved for a min, was thinking of topping with chocolate philly but I haven't actually done it again since the first time!
Hey Slimming world buddies back after a long break. Woke up this morning with the thought that today is the day that I get myself together and get bak into my diet! :whacky068: fed up with feeling sick and sluggish! Any help and support would be gratefully received x I'm doing slimming world from home still can't stand the thought of going to meetings! X