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Well it was easy enough as Monday is one of days parents chose for parental leave, so Mondays & Fridays are the quieter days. We had five 2-3yr olds, I had a biter in the first 5mins, which shocked me a bit, but I managed to stop him before he could do the damage. Mingled with the other groups & staff in the afternoon, they were in two minds whether i was "entitled" to a breakdue to the hours I was doing, so I just had 2 quick 10min tea breaks, I'll clarify this with the manager tomorrow. As I said to my sister, I enjoyed the work, kids were lovely, but I really don't miss the b!tchiness & politics of the workplace. So even though I've only done 6hrs, it has soooo made me appreciate the situation I have at home. I had a mad busy afternoon then, wentto SW, its soo busy with new memeber it lasted ages, then I did a lidl shop, then home, starving, got see youngest for 10mins to dress her for Beavers before she was whisked away. Mini-Issy then sat on my lap for awhile, when they're sick they just want mammy, so my hat is well & truely off to all the working mothers, coz God knows how y'all do it, must be super duper organised
I'm gonna make a beef mince chilli con carne, chicken/chorizo stew thingy, might stick that in the slow cooker, chicken fried rice & mushy pea curry, can use that with quorn or whatever. Do a batch of BBQ sause as I'm all out & a batch oh hummus for tonites munchies, lasts me a day or tow with carrots to dip.
Havn't been able to read a book for ages now, Hubby got me a kindle last year, barely touched it & I always get books outta the library but return them unread.
Goodness, that picky about breaks when ure not even being paid! Glad you enjoyed the actual job aspect of it though, thats the main thing! And yes that's why I'm sad of the thought of being full time because by the time you finish work it's dinner time bath time bed time so I'd miss dirtbag, I feel like what's the point of having a child to only see him at weekends! Maybe I'm dramatic but can't help it, that's why I work Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays so I can spend the day with him in between!
Ive got to say chicken fried rice and mushy pea curry sounds amazing, do u have a recipe? Xx