Hello :)

Well it was easy enough as Monday is one of days parents chose for parental leave, so Mondays & Fridays are the quieter days. We had five 2-3yr olds, I had a biter in the first 5mins, which shocked me a bit, but I managed to stop him before he could do the damage. Mingled with the other groups & staff in the afternoon, they were in two minds whether i was "entitled" to a break :rolleyes: due to the hours I was doing, so I just had 2 quick 10min tea breaks, I'll clarify this with the manager tomorrow. As I said to my sister, I enjoyed the work, kids were lovely, but I really don't miss the b!tchiness & politics of the workplace. So even though I've only done 6hrs, it has soooo made me appreciate the situation I have at home. I had a mad busy afternoon then, wentto SW, its soo busy with new memeber it lasted ages, then I did a lidl shop, then home, starving, got see youngest for 10mins to dress her for Beavers before she was whisked away. Mini-Issy then sat on my lap for awhile, when they're sick they just want mammy, so my hat is well & truely off to all the working mothers, coz God knows how y'all do it, must be super duper organised:D

I'm gonna make a beef mince chilli con carne, chicken/chorizo stew thingy, might stick that in the slow cooker, chicken fried rice & mushy pea curry, can use that with quorn or whatever. Do a batch of BBQ sause as I'm all out & a batch oh hummus for tonites munchies, lasts me a day or tow with carrots to dip.

Havn't been able to read a book for ages now, Hubby got me a kindle last year, barely touched it & I always get books outta the library but return them unread.

Goodness, that picky about breaks when ure not even being paid! Glad you enjoyed the actual job aspect of it though, thats the main thing! And yes that's why I'm sad of the thought of being full time because by the time you finish work it's dinner time bath time bed time so I'd miss dirtbag, I feel like what's the point of having a child to only see him at weekends! Maybe I'm dramatic but can't help it, that's why I work Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays so I can spend the day with him in between!

Ive got to say chicken fried rice and mushy pea curry sounds amazing, do u have a recipe? Xx
Goodness, that picky about breaks when ure not even being paid! Glad you enjoyed the actual job aspect of it though, thats the main thing! And yes that's why I'm sad of the thought of being full time because by the time you finish work it's dinner time bath time bed time so I'd miss dirtbag, I feel like what's the point of having a child to only see him at weekends! Maybe I'm dramatic but can't help it, that's why I work Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays so I can spend the day with him in between!

Ive got to say chicken fried rice and mushy pea curry sounds amazing, do u have a recipe? Xx

Yeah I did miss the kids yesterday, I'm so used to being around them & take it for granted alot. Alot of the parents do what you do & take Mondays & Fridays off so they have a big chunk of time with the smallies, time goes so fast with them, think thats why I enjoyed them so much yesterday, they were so cute, not much speech but very entertaining.

I have a scan bran cake made & bbq sauce done, next is the curry, coz Hubby hates the smell, need to make it & air the house :D

My version of mushy pea curry is.....

1 can of mushy peas
1 can of chopped tomatoes
1 can of baked beans
1-2 onions
2 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon of sweetener
2 tablespoons of curry powder (add to your taste, I like it hot)

brown off the onions in some fry light, then add all the rest of the ingredients and leave on the heat for approx 20-30 mins. If you find the mixture to thick just add some water, then I stick it all through the blender, very important, blend till smooth. Then I just box it up, freeze it & use it as I would a jar of sauce, simples :)

Chicken fried rice

Boiled Rice (I cook this, rinse & set aside)
Chicken, cut up small ( cook in frylite & set aside)
1 large onion
1 inch of fresh ginger, or half a tsp of powdered ginger
2 garlic cloves
1 chicken stock cube, dissolved in 50ml of boiling water
1-2 eggs
Soy sauce 2 tbsp (I use as much as i want)
Sweetner 1 tbsp

brown off the onions, ginger & garlic in some fry light,
add chicken stock & chicken pieces,
turn down the heat, make a well in the middle of the pan & crack in your eggs, swish them around & let everything set like an omelette
Then add rice, sweetner & soy sauce,
Heat through & then serve.
Dont know whether you like kebas but heres the recipe........


1 teaspoon dried mixed herbs
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 beef oxo cube
500g extra lean mince
Preheat oven to gas mark 4/180C/350F
In a large bowl, combine the dry herbs.
Add the lamb mince and mix thoroughly for 2-3 minutes. Take out all of your aggression on the kebab mixture, punching and kneading until no air pockets remain and the kebab meat is extremely smooth.
Shape the seasoned mince into a loaf and place on a baking tray.
Bake in the middle shelf of the oven for 45mins -1 hour, turning the loaf half way through the cooking time to ensure even browning.
Once cooked, remove from the oven and cover with foil. Allow to rest for 10 minutes.
Slice the donor kebab as thinly as possible and serve with pitta, salad and sauces. I add garlic to natural yogurt & some peri peri sauce to make syn free sauces.
That kebab one has literally made my mouth water! :eating:

I have have eggs to use up so will making a botched version later with anything else added that needs going!

Thank you for the recipes, no syns so far today...I haven't been to the shop yet though so may not be same story by tonight!
That kebab one has literally made my mouth water! :eating:

I have have eggs to use up so will making a botched version later with anything else added that needs going!

Thank you for the recipes, no syns so far today...I haven't been to the shop yet though so may not be same story by tonight!

Kebab is fab, I slice it up & use it for lunches, spend my heb on an aldi pitta, even though consultant says only weight watchers ones countas a heb. It's the one thing that peeves me bout SW, they seem to push the more expensive options, like laughing cow, mullerlights etc.
I know it can be really expensive can't it, I bet they have some sly deal that will never come to light but means sw get paid loads to recommend only them. I'm always too lazy/busy/distracted by mini milk to stand there analysing the labels when shopping so stick to what sw says.
I know it can be really expensive can't it, I bet they have some sly deal that will never come to light but means sw get paid loads to recommend only them. I'm always too lazy/busy/distracted by mini milk to stand there analysing the labels when shopping so stick to what sw says.

Well my New Years resolution last year was to stay out of Tesco as much as possible, try keep to Aldi & Lidl & just go to tesco for some branded stuff on a list, stick to the list & not get sucked into buying stuff I don't need, saved me a bloody fortune. Sometimes you can even get the aldi/lidl stuff on the SW website & I often draw a blank when I ask the consultant, they always refer you back to the brands in the book, laughing cow products are an example of this.
Well my New Years resolution last year was to stay out of Tesco as much as possible, try keep to Aldi & Lidl & just go to tesco for some branded stuff on a list, stick to the list & not get sucked into buying stuff I don't need, saved me a bloody fortune. Sometimes you can even get the aldi/lidl stuff on the SW website & I often draw a blank when I ask the consultant, they always refer you back to the brands in the book, laughing cow products are an example of this.

So I've avoided chocolate by eating pickled onions, feel a bit sick now!

Yeah I like aldi, it's good to keep the bills down, I tried to do it online to stop impulse buying but what I saved i spent on delivery charges so pointless really!
So I've avoided chocolate by eating pickled onions, feel a bit sick now!

Yeah I like aldi, it's good to keep the bills down, I tried to do it online to stop impulse buying but what I saved i spent on delivery charges so pointless really!

Oh I have jar in the cupboard,must root them out, I've just had 14.5syns blowout, at least it was with-in syns.
Mmm s&v squares are yummy! Lovely and strong in flavour! I think I found my new syn user upper today. A friend brought into work a packet of fish and chips, not sure if u remember them, they were fish and chip shaped little cracker biscuit things that were salt and vinegar, they were mouth wateringly good. I am so hunting for them tomorrow! X
Mmm s&v squares are yummy! Lovely and strong in flavour! I think I found my new syn user upper today. A friend brought into work a packet of fish and chips, not sure if u remember them, they were fish and chip shaped little cracker biscuit things that were salt and vinegar, they were mouth wateringly good. I am so hunting for them tomorrow! X

OMG I love strong flavoured crisps, you have so much choice in flavours in the UK.

I've totally given up these past few days ... I'm not even sure I will be able to stick to it tomo as still feeling the crave but I want to try. I didn't weigh myself today and think I might just let it slide this week, ignorance is bliss!

How are u? X
Hello, I've totally given up these past few days ... I'm not even sure I will be able to stick to it tomo as still feeling the crave but I want to try. I didn't weigh myself today and think I might just let it slide this week, ignorance is bliss! How are u? X

Same here,had an awful week last week,now up 2lbs. I just can't seem to get any momentum going at all this time round with SW, so I'm back to yoyoing AGAIN.
Are u still going to the meetings or following from home?

I'm starting to wonder about calorie counting for a bit, though im sure I didn't like it that's why I turned to slimming world!
Are u still going to the meetings or following from home? I'm starting to wonder about calorie counting for a bit, though im sure I didn't like it that's why I turned to slimming world!

Yep still going to Group,which is worse,I'm sure the consultant thinks I'm a lost cause.I seem to have a brilliant week followed closely by a crap one.I had a stressy week so really didn't care bout eating,was good meal-wise,just ballsed it up with snacks or being too tired & not eating.

Still have a couple weeks left on my countdown,then think I might take a break for a while,I'm fed up now.
Yep still going to Group,which is worse,I'm sure the consultant thinks I'm a lost cause.I seem to have a brilliant week followed closely by a crap one.I had a stressy week so really didn't care bout eating,was good meal-wise,just ballsed it up with snacks or being too tired & not eating. Still have a couple weeks left on my countdown,then think I might take a break for a while,I'm fed up now.

That's so frustrating, she should be more supportive if she sees someone struggling not just write them off!

I wish I could go to the gym, I'm sure I'd step it up a gear but I don't get any child free time so no chance!
Ok so it's my ladytime and I'm eating pizza and mini hotdogs, and I don't even feel bad! Lol I want to completely give up but I dont want to gain it all, and I am!

I think I will try again on Monday, give myself a few more days to get it out of my system and hopefully get in gear. Need to think about holiday and swimsuits and photos etc. I'd love to actually have a photo I don't squirm at seeing!
I found a 2 syns chocolate fix!!

Hope the pic works...

I'm feeling motivated for tomorrow, I've even pumped up the tyres on my bike and hope to ride to work a few days.


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