Help from ladies! (sorry boys tmi!!)

Thanks for that Vicky it seems like quite a few people have this happen to them, stopped me worrying so much!

Linz mine is fairly light too but some days seems heavier than others, yesterday was heavier and haven't really checked much today but my cramp is really bad so that usually means its getting heavier :cry: Don't mean to be gross but its really dark too!....let us know what your gp says on mon x
Could be all the iron from the meat and green leafies possibly???
yeah my thoughts exactly.. it all makes more sense now :)
Hi ladies, sorry for late reply, Caz was right, I was nights last night. Womens bodies as we all well know are very unpradictable at times. Without going in too deep and confusing you all, anything can upset our usual cycles, emotion, diet, lifestyle changes, big events, anything. I would say to give your body time to settle into the atkins and then we can look at other posibilities if need be. We dont want to start if we dont need to as believe me there can be plenty where womens bits are involved.
i havent had any issues at all..

i use Cerazette, daily pills no period.

I went to the docs last week to get a repeat prescription, started the new batch on thurs and by fri i had come on!

i havent bled for months before, but this time i had awful stomach cramps (never suffered before), no heavier or darker bleeding though.

If it starts to worry you go to the docs!!! do NOT avoid it x
I can't believe this!!! sat night and sun morn had carbs literally sunday morning everything stopped, then I get back on restricting carbs yesterday and today checked this morning I am back in ketosis, go to the toilet tonight and guess what, oh its all started again, I defo think its this diet and thats annoying me coz I do not want to stop. I don't know what to do I can't put up with this for much longer, sorry to sound dramatic but nearlly 3 weeks now, I finish my pill pack tomorrow so will come on properly soon after that, it seems never ending and my emotions and hormones are out of control, I'm hoping my body just needs to adjust for a bit longer, but if it carries on into my next pack of pills I am going to the docs to see what he suggests!

Sorry for moaning again I just wanna feel slightly normal again :(
It could be the shock to your system thats done it. I came on when I first went on to Lipotrim which is also a ketosis diet and it happened the time before too 2 years ago and I'm on the depo jab so don't normally get them. Half expected to have one when I started eating again last week but so far (touch wood) so good.
Kezzy - i had coil fitted a couple of months ago. I havent been so good recently (very strict ) and had periods as normal - just finished sunday. Been good last couple of days and cheked ketostick last night and back in ketosis and oh yes started periods again this morning.

I think its just our bodies getting used to it.
unless we are just freaks :D