Help! I'm craving chocolate

well done cheryl :D

im personally staying on induction for a while yet :D
You can have berries on induction, I used to eat blue berries and blackberries, in moderation of course.
It's gorgeous isn't it - trouble is now I really have to ration myself though I know I'm gonna have another today - with greens of course Jim xx
LOL, of course Caz. ;)
Wouldn't eat it any other way! :D
can i just ask again is Coke Zero ok cos it says it has caffiene in it?
Yes hun, that's OK x
thanks but if im not drinking caffiene im not allowed am i?
but Asda is so far!!!! LOL x
I'm sure Jim said we could have Coke zero - Jimmmmmmmmmmm where are ya? :sigh:
Jiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmm help
Typical fella - never around when you want one :D
Yeah I thought everyone was ??? is it just me :(
I reckon we should have Daddy Jim and Mummy Linz - you're a saint hun xx :angel:
so do you just drink the asda one then?