Help needed for 1st day......

That's why I haven't made it tbh. I'm happy with 5.5 syns for a whole lasagne using the packet sauce so have never needed to make it like this recipe.

Does look yummy though - well done!! :)
Did it taste like yog?! Or cottage cheese? I really want to try but scared to waste all the ingredients on something I'll hate! X

That's why I haven't made it tbh. I'm happy with 5.5 syns for a whole lasagne using the packet sauce so have never needed to make it like this recipe.

Does look yummy though - well done!! :)

i can just taste the bolognese i made and the mozzarella...but then i like yog/cottage cheese so not sure if you would be able to taste it?

i wasn't sure i was keen on greek yog (turns out i like it) but bought morrisons own instead of the total 0% and it was cheap cottage cheese which i whizzed smooth 1st.

definitely a winner for me....and you know i like to try and not use syns on stuff other than goodies ;) lol x

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Morning!! My day has not started well - I've just dropped my phone and smashed the screen grrrr!! That's something I could do without!!

How was your weekend? X
Awww no!
Monday morning alright eh!

My weekend was ok thanks, star week appeared-not what I needed right before weigh in but 7 days on plan so woo hoo to that!

Car still not fixed, taking it to a garage today...just hope I don't do much damage getting there and that it makes the journey! Lol

Finally tried the quorn nuggets....LOVED them!!!

How was your weekend?x

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My weekend was good thanks - quite busy but I did manage to relax a bit as well. This weekend coming up is a busy one too so after that I will need to calm down for a while lol.

How did you get on with the car yesterday? Not too bad I hope?

Im going to have a red day today - chicken and BNS wedges for dinner tonight!! :) what's your plan for the day?
My weekend was good thanks - quite busy but I did manage to relax a bit as well. This weekend coming up is a busy one too so after that I will need to calm down for a while lol.

How did you get on with the car yesterday? Not too bad I hope?

Im going to have a red day today - chicken and BNS wedges for dinner tonight!! :) what's your plan for the day?

yesterday was it sorted but it's always just a hassle and i'm a bit nervous about driving today - it'll wear off but i'm always wary and be super careful in case something goes wrong again! lol

i did red on sunday but green today for me. made quorn lasagne yesterday so got that with some salad to take for lunch.
i'm so glad i made's so easy and i can see it being a regular thing cos my OH likes it too so it's ideal to fire together and feed us both plus do lunches!

did you get your phone sorted? x

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No not yet but I'm popping into torn Saturday and there is a shop there which fixes them for about £40 so I should be able to get it done then. Could go without spending the money though to be honest.

Bf's has been broken ages so he might tell me to wait but my contract isn't due for renewal until July and if I get it fixed I could probably sell it when I get my new phone!?
Can you use it at all or is it really smashed?

Had a rubbish day today so far but heading home so hopefully my work grump leaves me quickly lol

Food been on plan so that's the main thing!

How's your day been?x

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Hi stranger!! AWOL again *rolleyes* but back on it today. Hope you had a lovely bank holiday weekend!? I was soooooo busy that I didn't even think about SW!!

Today is EE for me. I've had leftover chilli con carne for lunch and already used loads of syns on a boost chocolate bar that bf bought me yesterday. (11 syns) pretty high so early in the day but I'm so tired I need the energy and in planning syn free roast dinner :)

How's things with you?
oooh a boost! not had one for ages!
i can't risk having goodies through the day in case i go mad...that's why i just keep my wee bits for at night...when there's only so many hrs left to do any possible damage :giggle:

all ok at this end thanks, yesterday my day was spent taking teeny for some stuff....eurgh! i hate shopping as it is but it's the 1st time i've taken him with me to try stuff on rather than just picking him stuff up and it's cos he's stretching at different rates (ie, torso just now, legs and waist ok, next his belly will get bigger but his legs will be the same so a bigger size jeans will be good for the waist but not the length. then he'll need the bigger size for length and not waist....god, why can't they just grow a size up at once! lol)

actually made him sound like one of those stretchy doll things pmsl!
it's hard tho, his t shirts are short but a size bigger is too baggy and long on the sleeves......and sizes are hard enough for us but yesterday, a nike t shirt size 7-8 fitted, but a puma one was 11-12 age 9 jeans were fine...but not age 9 shorts....ffs...yawn! lol

got him a few bits and pieces but we were out for hrs and the only reason we didn't fall out was cos i threatened him with no xbox for a week if there was any moaning.....result! hehe

was on plan the whole of last week which was great, and a few times where i could've easily grabbed something off plan when out and about, and hungry but didn' i was p1ssed off that i only had 1lb off yest morning.

i know it's still a loss but i was hoping for, and expected more so i was annoyed...and just wanted junk all day...but didn't! and the quorn chicken nuggets with sw chips and cheese saved the day for dinner cos they did the job of having "junk" ;)

what were you up to that you were so busy?
i had to take today off annual leave cos our schools are off too and it saved me paying childcare for the day. just been doing my cooking so been busy with that x

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Well I had all sorts of meals out and an all night rave to go to so there was no way I could plan properly. I had lunch and dinner out on the same day twice!! But it's over now and I managed to stick to plan yesterday. EE today again as I didn't get my bum in gear to plan properly.

Bf has right ticked me off this morning so all I really want is pastry and a coffee but I shall resist!! Instead I have mango and kiwi fruit and I'll pick up some yoghurts on my way into the office.

No idea about dinner (lack of planning again) but hoping to have something with BNS as I have two massive ones at home to use up. Bf will want something with meat I suppose but he can have what he is given!!
Oooh, you sound serious! Lol. Let him make his own?
Weekend sounds fun even if it was off plan, I wouldn't worry too much, you do great getting back on track and always have lots of superfree!

Just got to work so need to shoot just now but will catch up with you later...hope the rest of your day goes ok Hun xx

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I ended up making a pasta bake with chorizo and bacon. Turned out nice actually and as usual plenty of leftovers for lunches. I quite like chorizo recently. You get quite a lot for your money syns wise if you chop it up smallish. Going to use the rest of it for a paella tomorrow night.

Haven't made up my mind for tonight yet - bf is out so just me to eat so probably something really easy like an omelette and some BNS chips.

How's your day looking?
my day's been ok today...EE but i've been pretty hungry aaaall day! first in a while so i'm a bit like eeeeek! (even though i know we have days like that!)

made ham fried rice and took that for lunch and have chicken out for dinner so not sure what to do with it. maybe fanta chicken as we've not had that in a while.

i always see lots of recipes for the chorizo but i dunno if i like it! must add that to the list of things to try lol

how's things at your end? almost the weekend...yay ;) x

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Hello hun! My weekend was good but not on plan therefore nothing moving on the scales today.

I don't have plans this weekend so I'm going to really try hard this week. Will hopefully be back to exercising as well as I haven't been able to find time the last week or so.

I've got a busy day today so I made up a nice SW curry yesterday so all I have to do it heat it up when I get home. (Will probably be a late one today).

How was your weekend?
Morning! :)
My weekend was also not on plan, I decided to weigh on Saturday and was gutted to see that after 3 weeks on plan, and my measly 1lb off last week, that they hadn't moved! :(

Ended up bubbling to my OH which really isn't like me then went out for the day with my sister inhaling everything going!

Yesterday wasn't on plan but not the worst as in better than it could've been!

Anyway, I've cooked all morning so it should help get me back on the straight and narrow.

Dunno why I got so upset, think it's cos there have been times I've wanted to eat rubbish, but haven't and cos I've battled to stay on plan, I just expected results. It's not fair that I practically only need to think about cake and I gain...was just feeling sorry fur myself and I'd get it if I was posting my food but munching mars bars in the background but I'm not! When I'm on it, I'm on it properly so felt I deserved a decent number :( week with sw foods prepared so just need to see how I go. Wish I could stop expecting results cos it makes me feel naff when I don't see them!

Didn't get up to anything exciting, and as usual, weekends go way too fast!

What were you up to? Have you managed to find a holiday yet?x

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