You too... ... Was up early this morning, no lie in for me my little one is full of today will be and feel longer I'm sure.. If he has a nap I might head to the gym for a quick workout...kill an hour.. X
I find weekends the hardest too, but have been so busy Ive barely had time to get my shakes in!! Spent the whole day in the garden clearing yesterday, and boy do I ache today...but my garden looks lovely now, and it got Saturday out of the way, now today hmmm..
Cleared out 5 drawers, tidied up my room and vacuum-bagged about 100 teddies!!! Only sitting down now, realise I only had one shake so far! Busy is the only way
I actually went jogging yesterday and today with my daughters adn the dog lol, i was amazed i could actually do it!! did cook a roast and pudding afterwards for them tho, only a little tempted
don't beat yourself up love i sent my boyfriend to my mums for dinner there was no way i was facing the kitchen today! day 5 tomorrow these days fly in though! and it gets better last year when i was on lt i was cooking all the time i'm a chef so i don't really have much choice! back to work tomorrow so i need to
be a good girl!
Hey vanilli I was a chef for 17 years! And my own best customer! Work in an office now. At least kitchen work is physical although knee deep in temptation. My ass has expanded so much since I'm sitting on it all day! My older son will be home from hols tomorrow so proper cooking will have to resume. Have a good day everyone x
Work is good so far doing all my prep but not even tempted! Day 5 and I'm feeling great! I'm going away mid April so Im hoping to have lost over A half a stone by then! I'm not sure if my weight loss will be as quick this time! Here's hoping looking forward to weds weigh in... Actually I got weighted in last wed but didn't start til Thursday do you think I should leave it til Thursday for my weigh in?
Day 4 ... And not at all hungry... Yay... Just had shake because felt a bit heady... So all good so far.. Did a great workout... Off to do a little shopping shortly.. Keeping busy... ... Think I'm on to a winner... Day 4 is further than I have got for ages... Thanks you guys this is really helping me !!!! x
I'm a novice to all this but I couldn't start till Tuesday but my WI is on Saturdays, only day that suits me. So my first Wi I only lost 5 lbs ( not bad for 4 days!!) still feel I missed the impact of having a big loss quote Simon Cowell 'missing the WOW factor'....
Just think of how wowed you'll be next week!! It's not like if you don't get weighed in on your day the weight will go back on! You're sticking to it you deserve the high loss numbers! I'm going on wed cuz I like the pharmacist that works that day she really motivates me alot!
It really makes a difference! There's a woman in mine during the week that does the diet herself but she's a bit bossy?? I like the Saturday girl better. Went out for a walk at lunchtime..all I saw was food! Vanilli you are amazing!!