Oh Sigourney I could have written your post myself... My husband put everything in the world ahead of us, his job, his 'me' time, his sailing..anything was more important than 'me' and my sons ( only 1 is his) he moved all over the country for his perfect job while I was here at home. I spent 18 years trying to make him happy. He left, he came back, lost count of the times, then I got sense ( the pregnant 26 yr old waitress that worked for him was the last straw!) now he's in new zealand (with her!) his son is on Prozac, I have a six figure mortgage on the house my mother GAVE me, but do you know what, I'm free. Your partner sounds so so like him it's scary. Don't do what I did, try desperately to save the relationship for the sake of the family, the kids, hoping against hope it would change. It DOESN'T. You sound like a wonderful person, don't ever accept anyone who doesn't value and respect you. Xxxx