Nikkiola said:Ya i'd say its much harder, you poor thing. I bet your being missed twice as much as you're missing them though x
mummyof1 said:((((hugs)))))) sigourney, you sound like you need them.
poor you, i think you need to think about you and your little one right now, he sounds like he is selfish and doesnt take your feelings into condsideration..... its easier for me to say this but so very very true, you certainly deserve to be treated better than this xxxx
Thankyou... Although it's not about missing... It's about knowing the old ways are returning and that was a horrible existence... And I won't allow myself to become a wreck again... What to do..! That's my issue... Sit back and wait for it to happen and prolong the agony for everyone or sort it now.... Either way I am left feeling destroyed internally and mistrusting ... It's complicated it's not easy.... Still no appetite just done massive workout... But I can feel my mood slipping already... It's nice to talk thankyou... And sorry for offloading x
im so sorry to hear what a rough situation you are in (its me vanilly i changed my name!) anyway honestly you need to let him go! you cant stay with him just for the sake of someone loving you! loads of people will love you but you need to stand strong! trust me i know your kid would never want you to stay with him and be miserable! do this for yourself