Helping you set your recommended amount of calories...

You're right on all counts :)
Why on earth do you want to lose any more weight ..??? At 5'3" and 125lbs I'd have thought you were perfect ..!!

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Thanks for the speedy reply! I feel at my best at 8 stone however it's nearly impossible to stay at that weight so my goal is 8 and a half and to stay there. Fingers crossed :/ x
You're 5ft 3 & 125lbs? That's teeny! I don't think you'd need to lose anymore? If you're looking at getting toned & losing bodyfat then 30 day shred would be ideal, but as jillian says - for people looking to lose a few pounds and lower body fat they shouldn't have a huge deficit, so maybe only make a 10% cut from your TDEE to preserve lean muscle mass. But yep you manually enter it into MFP :) x

Thank you for the advice Hun :) I certainly don't feel teeny :( I used to weigh less so always compare myself to that. My clothes don't fit and I hate the way my body now looks :( I definitely need to tone up and I've only heard great things about Jillian so I'm hoping ill see the results too! xx
Definitely. If you can't maintain 8 stone it's because your body's telling you it wants to be a bit bigger! Do yourself a favour and listen to it.

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Definitely. If you can't maintain 8 stone it's because your body's telling you it wants to be a bit bigger! Do yourself a favour and listen to it.

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Agree with everyone else.
Focus on toning up and getting rid of and fat by exercise rather than food restriction.

You're a good weight, if you go too low you'll permanently be dieting to try to maintain.
Agree with everyone else.
Focus on toning up and getting rid of and fat by exercise rather than food restriction.

You're a good weight, if you go too low you'll permanently be dieting to try to maintain.

I've been dieting since I can remember and I always think "do I want to be doing this forever" *sigh*. I think I need to get out of the mindset of dieting and focus on toning up like you say. I think I'll forever be a calorie counter, always watchful of what I eat but rather than thinking I need to lose a few pounds I need to try and see it as just getting in better shape and not focus on loosing pounds. Thank you for your words :) x
Sorry if you read this on my diary just said I'd let you all know on here. :)

So today I saw the dietitian. I was quite worried but it looks like this will help a lot.

So we started talking about what I have already done. From loseing 120lbs, having gallstones, eating the food replacement and such she said that I am the only person she has seen in her years working (10+years) who has done what I have with out support (ie a Dr or trained professional like Cambridge). She's well impressed with my determination and knowledge. Diet wise she loves the eat more to lose fat idea. She also is pleased with the amount I aim for (1600). She wants me to do a food diary for her to look at. What she wants not only is what I eat but who I'm with, what I'm doing, how hungery I was, and my mood. Hopefully with this I can see if part of my issue is emotional or social. Other then that she weighed me I've not put on since the first though I was wearing my clothing so happy days. Then she asked me my goal I said a BMI of 25. So then she asked me if anyone had ever said to me that loose skin adds pounds. Which kinda yes I knew that but no I'd never thought of that. So she basically bluntly told me I will probably never hit my goal as the amount of loose skin I have. Unless I get nipped and tucked. I could have upto 30lbs of skin that is adding to my weight. That hit me hard. Now I'm not sure how to deal with it. I now desperately want a tummy tuck. I will wait till after I have my second child. But it definitely am considering it more just for health. I don't want it to weigh me down physically or mentally. After that bombshell she quizzed me on my food knowledge. In my mind you should have greatest to least veg/fruit, meat, carbs, dairy,fat/sugar. She told me I need to rethink carbs. No longer think Atkins (which my mother filled my head with as a child). She also referred me to a weight loss group for around 6 people or less by a dietitian and psychologist. She also suggested I self refur my self to a depression/anxiety clinic that she knows to be good. But we will see. So now keeping a few dairies. She also said that she and other dietitian have found issues with people using MFP. I'll try and find out more you all. I may add more later. But I am pleased I think this can work she wants to teach me to live not diet.
She sounded really good. She was giving good advice. I sort of knee about the loose skin but hasn't really thought Bout it applying to me just yet in quite that way but I wonder if its part of my problem. I've plateaued for a while now and whilst I've not got loads of loose skin I do have some that you can tell isn't the type of skin to tone up in the gym :(
I must admit my list would look like this: veg protein dairy, fats, fruit carbs.
When are you next seeing her.?

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Also depends on age, the exercise you do whilst losing weight and how fast you lose it. I'm 21 and even though I will have lost 100lbs+ when I reach my goal, I'm hoping to have little to no excess skin I can't tone up. What do you think? Will I have some?
I'm 25 andhave lost 130lbs and mine is really bad I'll take photos later when I change for bed (been away for a wedding sorry if this is late) I also lost all that weight in 14 months with the most if it in 7months

I think a lot of it is down to genetics too.. my mum has good skin and doesn't look anywhere near her age of 47, and after two kids her stomach is great.. and mines the same. But I know friends who've had babies and they have elephant skin left and it's really saggy but their mothers are the same...
laurenmay said:
I think a lot of it is down to genetics too.. my mum has good skin and doesn't look anywhere near her age of 47, and after two kids her stomach is great.. and mines the same. But I know friends who've had babies and they have elephant skin left and it's really saggy but their mothers are the same...

Absolutely - I really don't think you can know how your skin will be until you're done losing the weight, it just varies from person to person. Hopefully you'll have your Mum's good skin, Lauren. :) xx
Hello all. This is my first post on the forum, so please excuse any breaches in etiquette!

I have been trying to establish what my daily caloric requirements are and have used probably a dozen or so tools and calculators online. The average answer I'm getting is between 3800 and 4000 calories, which seems rather high. Yet they are remarkably consistent. Does this suggest that I could comfortably eat 2500-3000 calories and still expect to lose weight?

I wonder if there's anyone who could reassure me that this figure is broadly correct and that, for example, the method of calculation doesn't get skewed at the top end of the scale. Here are the details:

323lbs (yup, afraid so. But was 380 a couple of years ago)

I go for a brisk (4-mile) walk every day at roughly 3.5mph. At weekends I sometimes will do more.

Thank for you any thoughts.