Here comes the BOOM!

I have personal issues with porridge so I've never tried it - I really want to like porridge but even product porridge makes me gag. Also I totally agree about the pb bar - I would probably rate it a 3 due to disappointment factor, but I realise that's about me, not about the bar. I just love peanut butter so much that this pale spectre of peanut butter makes me sad and hollow inside. I am really enjoying random food rating :)

I really don't have any experience at the far end of VLCD - as in VLCD plus exercise - but that probably isn't going to stop me rambling, so please ... disregard or ignore or whatever. My understanding is that you use a VLCD to strip away fat (and everything) and then, when you're back on proper food or something close to proper food, begin building muscle again. So I can't tell whether being on a VLCD *and* trying to do weight training is ... basically counter productive? I mean, I have no idea how the two interact, in the sense that you probably aren't going to be able to track fat loss because you'll also be building muscle - the scales might not move?

I think, given how much VLCDs alter your metabolism, you might have to get some proper expert advice? Is there someone at the gym? Or could you book a session with a personal trainer or nutritionist or something? Sorry if that sounds super over-reacting but I guess I feel if you're doing something to body, it's best to know exactly what it is you're doing.

Pack timing wise, I only have three a day - I usually have one in the morning at about 9:30 which is essentially when I wake up, one between 1 and 2, and my last pack between 6 and 7. But I'm also not doing anything more than walking back and forth from work. I usually get a bit grumpy and empy-feeling at about 10ish but since I know I'll be going to bed in a couple of hours, I find it manageable.
Hi . I'm afraid I'm giving up. I got really bad news yesterday. I'm meeting my sister in law today she's 60 and was told she has three to 6 months to live. Totally gutted and has made me realise there's more to life the surviving on pkts of food.shes with two lovely daughters and grandchildren she's one of the best puts everything into perspective. Take care everyone and I wish u all good luck on your journeys x
Sorry to hear you’re leaving - take care of yourself.

Apple and Cinnamon Porridge: 1 on the Casting scale. My God, rank.

Sat in the cinema about to watch Deadpool 2. I’m always cold in the cinema but I’ve been cold all day. I’m wearing two coats and still chilly 😂

Nothing else new today. Got dressed quickly after my shower today so I didn’t weigh myself. Still trying to hold out for Monday. Have my bar in my pocket - Chocolate Caramel. Hubby is eating popcorn 😖 I’m far too focussed to blink much of an eyelid. Merely vague dreams of being in good nick again so I can eat that too without guilt. I’ll get there.

Laters 🙂
Oh, Casting. I have been doing a lot of research on the exercise and VLCD/Ketosis front. It is doable and lean mass can even be gained but not many people do it. I’m satisfied with that. The gym keeps me sane and will keep me on the straight and narrow after. Looking forward to revealing all the hidden muscle 😎
I am averse to porridge at the best of times - even porridge people tell me is delicious. So I was probably not in danger of the Exante apple and cinnamon variety.

How was Deadpool 2? I'm really looking forward to seeing it.

Also I'm really glad the VLCD/ketosis/exercise thing is working for you. I'm waaaay too fat to contemplate it at the moment but I'm glad to know it's an option for further down the line.
Deadpool 2 was hilarious and definitely on par with the first one 👌 I would highly recommend.

I’ve bought some apple crumble in my last order so dreading that somewhat now. Also a tad peeved that I ordered £100 worth yesterday and got an email today saying - order over £80 and get a blender worth £70 free for the first 80 customers. Okay, if I didn’t get one I would never know if I wasn’t one of the 80 and I’m sure this marketing comes out off the back of high orders to encourage further high orders shortly after - but still miffed!
Another weekend down. I had a birthday party/disco on Saturday night. M&S buffet and food in abundance and a decent bar. I drank two pints of soda water. As much as it pains me to say it, I will never be one of those people who can go on a night out like that and enjoy myself without drinking. I was bored stiff! I know this will be frowned upon but it’s just the way it is.

Did my double gym session this morning and quite impressed with how I’m holding up with the fuel I’m consuming. Long may it continue.

I am taking my husband for a weekend away from Friday to Sunday next week. This was a birthday gift which he received months ago and has been planned for a while. I’m in the zone and (presumably) doing well but I won’t be doing exante while we’re gone, I won’t binge but I won’t be avoiding carbs either. It’s just like any special weekend away, overweight or not. When I’m at goal I’ll have to deal with this so why not now? My biggest issue will be getting back on the wagon. Easy to say while I’m well into the plan but it’s been my downfall in the past. Monday I will be back on it and I won’t be allowing myself to let it turn into a week (or more). I need to harness this discipline for later on anyway. It also happens to be almost my break week - not quite what exante has in mind, I know but I will class the three days as the break and straight back on rather than continuing to add a meal for the rest of the week. I have a boating trip on 2 June but I think I will abstain from anything off plan - then I’m clear anyway until the last week in June when there are a couple of birthday parties - I will have to assess my position at that point as who knows, I might be nearing goal.

It’s my weigh in tomorrow and as an obsessive weigher I’m so proud of myself as I haven’t stepped on the scale since last Tuesday. It feels like an eternity but so pleased I’ve held out. I hope the scales are nice to me. I’m hoping to be in the 10s comfortably but equally half expect to still be in the 11s. Hard to say, especially on weeks two and three of these things. The fact I’m still so crime at the gym could impact too.

I decided to have the chocolate gooey dessert unheated as I don’t like the dryness of the cake mixture once cooked. It was way too sweet for me but tasted like cake batter - which I’m partial to the odd spoon lick! I was impressed. Tried it with the salty caramel one and that is an absolute no-no. Horrible. Just need to try the lemon which I suspect will be okay.

I’ve had further thoughts to how I manage maintaining. One option would be to do four days exante plus added protein and then a relaxed three days. I was initially thinking alternate fasting but feel that would suit me better with social occasions. Anyhoo, there’s plenty of time to think about that stage - just wanted to get some thoughts down.

I hope you’ve all had fab weekends. Now off to read some diaries :)
So almost 11 stone exactly 11st 0.3lbs. There’s an error in my earlier post when I converted to lbs. should have read 156 not 153 as I’m now 153lbs. So the loss is good for week 2. On to week 3 but I know the weigh in won’t look good next week - should all be glycogen so I shan’t pay too much attention. Week 4 weigh in will tell me more :)

Have a great day all :)
Mint choc chip cookie - a 3 on the Casting Scale. Would have been a 4 but there are better things. Beats the maple and pecan cookie hand-down, that cookie sucks big donkey balls!

May try the apple and custard crumble in a bit.
Ohhhh that is a really good for week 2, especially as you are also doing good gym work and probably building muscle as well. I am thrilled for you.

I totally agree that it can be hard to get back on the wagon, even if you're totally in the zone. The first time I tried this (which I did from a place of ignorance and I am not repeating the same mistakes, godammit) I got to week 12, where you HAVE to have a food break, but I'd lost so much weight that I never really got back to the plan, even though I still had a couple of stones to go. And so my habits never changed and I just basically ate my way all the way back to obese. Like a stupid head.

But I think, as you suggest, if your weekend away as your "food break" i.e. PART of the plan, you might able to re-adjust more easily and come straight back onto plan on Monday. Also you can check in here, tell us how the trip went and we'll pull your bunny ears if you start making excuses about lengthening your food break.

In an act of complete bizarreness I'm actually genuinely looking forward to my next Exante order when I can maybe have something that isn't dahl pots. And try out all these other products!
Thanks for affirming. Although I’m sure I have more mistakes to learn by so we’ll see.

I received my second order today. Lots of bars to get me out of trouble - more portable and some things I haven’t tried yet, hence the cookie review above.

Just tried the maple pancakes. The mixture made three good size ones but careful as they burn quickly. They do not need a minute each side unless your source of heat is a match! Barring the slight burn, I continued to drizzle the maple syrup I ordered (I say drizzle, it came out in globules which wasn’t too pleasing to the eye) and sat down for the first time in two weeks with a knife and fork. It was good. I’m pleased as I have a few and also ordered the lemon ones. I would rate an awesome 5 on the Casting Scale!
Baahhhh, started getting a sore throat just before leaving work last night. Came home and went for a ‘nap’ at 19:00hrs only to wake up at two in the morning busting for a wee and with full blown cold. I’ve drugged myself up on Flu tablets but it sucks as I have a busy week at work and off on Friday to start our weekend away - and I don’t want to be ill for that!

In order to recover more quickly, I’m not going to the gym. That really bothers me but I think I’m on a razor’s edge in terms of energy to complete a workout, let alone adding a cold on top. It’s probably the sensible choice.

I’m in bed again already and hope to get a good night’s sleep.

Made fajitas for the first time tonight. I added too much water to both mixes and ended up with a runny filling and had to crack open another tortilla powder so I could dry out the tortillas a bit so I could roll them out. So now I have a missing tortilla mix. They turned out well besides that. I’m impressed. 4 on the Casting Scale. Next time, less water all round and they’ll be perfect. I might try out the pizza tomorrow.

“This time next year, you will have wished you’d started today”

Or in our case, continued 100% 🙂

I hope everyone is having a good day. Stay strong folks.
Sorry you're feeling rough - definitely cut the gym, but try to stay on plan if you possibly can. I know I sound like a zealot but it would be such a shame to undo your hard work.

Also Imma definitely buying fajitas ;)
Thanks Darcy :)

Casting, I won’t deviate from plan for love nor money other than this preplanned weekend. I have noticed I’m getting more confident in my weight loss than I should be. Because my stomach feels concave in the morning and generally empty all day due to low carbs, I have to keep reminding myself I’m not actually back to weight yet. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like what I see in the mirror, it’s just the walking around feeling thinner feeling that is confusing me :)

Tried the pizza tonight. It’s another option that only comes in packs of 7 like the fajitas. Made it up as directed but I’m sure they ask you to add too much water to both dough and topping. Came out okay but base could have been spread thinner and more crunchy and the topping was too liquid. I would score it a 3 on the CS but as I have another 6 to go, I may well stumble on the perfect water ratio and get it just right. It has potential to be a 4 for sure and worth having as another knife and fork alternative.

In bed again as I still feel rough. Really hope I’m better by the weekend and hope hubby doesn’t catch it.

I had dodgy bowels today again. Constipation in the morning and then the runs later on. I had to carry out a sensitive appraisal as well and struggled through that with thoughts of an accident happening. Worst. Timing. Ever.

I hope everyone has had a great 100% TS day :)
I bought fajitas. I'm really excited. *sits at door like lost puppy waiting for post*

Sorry you're still under the weather. With regards to the lower end of your woes, I wonder are you drinking many shakes? Sometimes the heavy mineral content can mess with people's stomach (or so I read) - so maybe if you are drinking shakes, I would maybe follow the FF technique and at least double the amount of water you're using. Or else take the packet in two halves (which, y'know, extra meal!).

Also, it's really good to hear you're feeling more at home in your body. I mean, the number of the scales is kind of a myth anyway: ideal weight is a very personal thing and what feels right to you is as good a guide as anything else. So it's definitely a sign of being on the right track!
Did you get the fajitas yet? Would love to know what you think and also compare preparation notes :D

So, I’m back. Three days of eating what I wanted. I realise I generally go really overboard when there’s free stuff available - it’s like I have to have it all. So that was the case at breakfasts in the hotel and also when we were on a fully catered day out. Anyway, as I promised myself, I’m back on track today. Monday is also my weigh in and I didn’t want to shy away from it despite it being at the worst possible time. I definitely like the mental freedom of weighing once a week so I figure it will all right itself in the end.

I was 11st 6.2lbs today. Last week I was dead on 11st so a lot of fake weight there. I can’t imagine I’ve added pounds of fat. I may have given myself free rein but there is only so much you can consume.

I’m still ill and have a lot of evening appointments this week so I won’t be back at the gym until Friday. I have to keep that in perspective too. My mind is telling me I’m ruining it all by not going but there will be weeks in life when I don’t go for one reason or another, so like the weighing, life goes on and I will pick it back up as soon as I can.

I hope everyone has had a good few days. Going to catch up on diaries now :)
Hi gym bunny, interesting to hear you’re doing a lot of gym stuff along with this diet.

I have been having a couple of personal training sessions a week over the last month or so but I wasn’t adjusting my diet enough (I cheat terribly if I have options!) hence deciding to also get on this vlcd plan.

Granted I only started yesterday, but I’m not planning on telling my PT as I know he would not approve (he is all about eating every 2 hours, something I agree with if I could be trusted not to cram my face with triple portions!) so I’m wondering how much it will affect me during the training when I don’t have as much fuel in my system. At the moment I feel like I have a lot of energy but when I get up at 5:45 tomorrow for my session it may be another story!
Personally I had an extra pack or a protein shake half an hour before a gym session.
Agreed. I have an extra pack on the days I train. I’ve not felt unable to cope but then I don’t do cardio. As the packs are quite generous on carbs, I’m considering swapping out the extra pack for a couple of boiled eggs. It’s not like I’m hungry, I literally need the fuel and it doesn’t need to be carbs.

No gym for me until Friday as I’m busy with evening appointments and being ill but eager to get back to it.

I hope your training goes well CD :)