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I have personal issues with porridge so I've never tried it - I really want to like porridge but even product porridge makes me gag. Also I totally agree about the pb bar - I would probably rate it a 3 due to disappointment factor, but I realise that's about me, not about the bar. I just love peanut butter so much that this pale spectre of peanut butter makes me sad and hollow inside. I am really enjoying random food rating
I really don't have any experience at the far end of VLCD - as in VLCD plus exercise - but that probably isn't going to stop me rambling, so please ... disregard or ignore or whatever. My understanding is that you use a VLCD to strip away fat (and everything) and then, when you're back on proper food or something close to proper food, begin building muscle again. So I can't tell whether being on a VLCD *and* trying to do weight training is ... basically counter productive? I mean, I have no idea how the two interact, in the sense that you probably aren't going to be able to track fat loss because you'll also be building muscle - the scales might not move?
I think, given how much VLCDs alter your metabolism, you might have to get some proper expert advice? Is there someone at the gym? Or could you book a session with a personal trainer or nutritionist or something? Sorry if that sounds super over-reacting but I guess I feel if you're doing something to body, it's best to know exactly what it is you're doing.
Pack timing wise, I only have three a day - I usually have one in the morning at about 9:30 which is essentially when I wake up, one between 1 and 2, and my last pack between 6 and 7. But I'm also not doing anything more than walking back and forth from work. I usually get a bit grumpy and empy-feeling at about 10ish but since I know I'll be going to bed in a couple of hours, I find it manageable.
I really don't have any experience at the far end of VLCD - as in VLCD plus exercise - but that probably isn't going to stop me rambling, so please ... disregard or ignore or whatever. My understanding is that you use a VLCD to strip away fat (and everything) and then, when you're back on proper food or something close to proper food, begin building muscle again. So I can't tell whether being on a VLCD *and* trying to do weight training is ... basically counter productive? I mean, I have no idea how the two interact, in the sense that you probably aren't going to be able to track fat loss because you'll also be building muscle - the scales might not move?
I think, given how much VLCDs alter your metabolism, you might have to get some proper expert advice? Is there someone at the gym? Or could you book a session with a personal trainer or nutritionist or something? Sorry if that sounds super over-reacting but I guess I feel if you're doing something to body, it's best to know exactly what it is you're doing.
Pack timing wise, I only have three a day - I usually have one in the morning at about 9:30 which is essentially when I wake up, one between 1 and 2, and my last pack between 6 and 7. But I'm also not doing anything more than walking back and forth from work. I usually get a bit grumpy and empy-feeling at about 10ish but since I know I'll be going to bed in a couple of hours, I find it manageable.