Here i am! *waves* - Brewin'a'Baby & Staying Slim! 2011 xx

Hey Fern, good to see you back, i think what your doing sounds very sensible to me, at the end of the day you need to be happy in yourself so do what you have to do to make that happen, i'm sure you can be back to target by xmas so best of luck.

Good luck with the payrise hope you get it!

Ohh good to have you back, it is good to see you're stepping away from the whole numbers game, it can start to take over some times and you forget that change doesn't just happen when the scales say so. Hope you'll enjoy xmas and not let the numbers get you down.
Hi guys.
thanks for the welcome back..

allie, hope all goes well with you for pro-points.. sometimes you have to defect just to add variety and keep your body on its toes somtimes i think.

derbynanny its nice to know im not alone, no matter how long your part of the 'sw' family. Food is hard!

Rick thanks for the support, i appreciate it! payrise meeting didnt go as well as i'd hoped.. im waiting to hear back.:sigh: Its hard realising all that time and effort you put in is unappreciated and hasnt been recognised.. meanwhile iv been thinking long term of what i'd get back from it all. I feel quite annoyed atm!

kiki, im glad to see your still stalking my journal.. how are you??

so, first day back on plan didnt go fabulous. but its OK.

breakfast: 1 rasberry activia fat free snack pot, 1 banana

snack: 1 mint hifi

lunch: chicken with lettuce leaves, red onion, red pepper, cucumber and a tsp of fat free vinegerette dressing.
1 apple

a few kiddies choc biccy things.. 10 syns?

tea: mash potatoe (1syn) ratatouille (caugette, peppers, onions, tomatoes.. ect) tinned toms and herbs.. cheese HEA

1 apple

chewing gum 1 syn.

12 syns. Far more than i'd have liked but there you go..


Hey don't beat yourself up over having syns, gotta remember you get 15 so you don't fall off plan so just keep a level head about it all.

I'm good thanks :) did a bit of shopping, nice to fit into Superdry stuff and the suchlike :D


its early days.. 4weeks at most.

Im ecstatic!!!!!!... and a little bit of :jelous: LOL

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Breakfast: 1 activia yogurt, 1 hifi (mint and choc)

Lunch: syn free meatballs and pasta shells
1 banana, 1 apple

tea: mozerella wrapped in parma ham (1.5syns) HEA with red onion, vine tomatoes.. served with new pots and salad.

Great news, Congratulations!

Oh and extra fab news.. doc weighed me (despite my refusal) lol and although the scales showed a massive 10st 8 (OMG!) yesterday at home.. doc weighs me in at 10st 2.5 .. horah! LOL xx
I know. I literally fell of the loo when i saw the result.

I wasnt going to test (period due tomo) as i was certain it wasnt my month. Iv had awful cramping and i simply dont feel pregnant! But i got to work so early, and theres a co-op oposite. I couldnt resist.

usually itl flash up neg within seconds, so when i saw the timer i already had a little hope.. i looked back a few mins later, and there it was.. my positive. I was literally shaking! The doctor confirmed it all and i am 4 weeks +1 day (iv only just worked that out! LOL) with an estimated due date of August 18th 2011.

I feel so unbelievably lucky.

OMG Fern, I think I must have had a premonition!! Remember me saying I thought you had kiddywinkles?!!! Ha, it's now coming true!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! How exciting! Bet you're still in shock!!X
breakfast: Hifi

lunch: 4 bacon rashers without bacon, baked beans, new pots and 1 very well cooked egg ( apparently no more scrambled egg for me!!! :( )

2 apples

a bottle of lemon and lime water, which i so hope as sugar free but i tell you, i was SO thirsty i HAD to drink it.

half a sausage roll and some marshmellows.. oops LOL

pasta of some variety for tea.

This pregnancy news is making my mind go mush. and tbh im not feeling hungry.. which mean smy planning is not at its best! good news is i do have good food in house so i must pay enough attention! xx
Wow so very lucky Fern!!! - Congratulations :)