Here is to the new me!!!

Oh glad to hear that your diet stuff turned up, have you started it today?
Day 2 of shake that weight

Yip, day 2 of shake that weight, and i am feeling very positive. I usually take a while to get used to these vlcd but i am feeling good already which i dont think has ever happen so fast before, not that i am complaining :D. I think it is because i have a short term goal, the op in two weeks. Firstly two weeks is not that far away, and i know the weight loss will make me feel safer getting the op. Secondly, I know the weight loss will be an advantage when we do try for our baby, so thats the second goal ;).

Either I will reach the end of my weight loss journey using shake that weight and concetrate on maintaining or i will do what i done during my sons pregnancy when i was 15 stones and found i was pregers, i just ate healthy continued my cycling and move around cleaning etc. The day i left the hospital i weighed 10.7 stones everyone was shocked including me lol. 6 weeks later i was 10 stone which i mantained for years until i got very ill and gained the weight i am now trying to shift :).
Day 3 shake that weight

:D I know i shouldn't be weighing myself, but i just can't help it :p. I am now 16 stones so since the start, thats 7 lbs down yippee. 3lbs of that has been the last 2 days on shake that weight.

O my days, bring it on. I have to say i was dreading the first 3 days and so far so good, fingers crossed it will stay this way. The only thing i can think of is I know i am having 2-3 days break for the op in two weeks, maybe that is more manageable in my head :). I am very prepared as there is no way those few days will be a food fest, or gaining all the weight i am hoping to loss before then. I am going to be sensible and hope will only gain 1-2 lbs.

Then back on shake that weight and hopefully shift even more fat. I saw a picture on here last night of 50lbs of fat and i was truly haunted by it, I have 80lbs to loss in total so I am keeping that picture firmly in my mind ;).

I am feeling good today and positive as my downfall is takeaway on a Friday night and tick I passed with flying colours :D. Now just the rest of the weekend to go and i should be home and dry as I am usually not as tempted to cheat during the week.
I am getting properly obsessed with this site, everytime i would normally eat a few biscuits or some crisps i come on here. I have read loads of wonderful posts and I love the fact that there are a lot of sucess stories and honesty, if people fall of the wagon they say so, great. I would normally have a blip and stay away through disappointment and shame, but this time if/when it happens i will be straight back to confess and continue my mission.

I know i shouldn't but i have been on the scales again i hope to be under the 16 stone mark into the 15 woohoo.

I have a wee maltese dog and i have just done all her grooming she looks lovely, the first thing she done was roll around the carpet i think she is a wee tom boy. Off now to find something else to do hmmm housework, because there is always more of that to be done. Brace yourself toilets here i come...
Hi Lisa, glad to hear you are doing ok with shake that weight. What flavours are the shakes? I usually get Exante as they are quite cheap (relatively speaking) and I like the taste of them. Im on some Spanish thing at the moment as that's all I can get and I can taste the sweetener in them, but its bearable. I don't have them sole source in any case, im doing intermittent fasting and use them on my fasting days.

I would be interested to know what you think of the taste of the shake that weight shakes, as they do seem a bit cheaper even than exante, and you can buy smaller amounts too.

My weight started at 16st 2lb 3 weeks ago and now im about 15st 4lb (my scales are in kilos so I have to convert). It was a relief to be in the 15's from 16 and you will very soon be there too! Now im looking forward to the 14's! lol.

Now you are on the VLCD you will soon be hitting the 14's too. I know you have an op coming up and you have to put your health first after you have had the operation, but as long as you are getting good nutrition you should still be able to keep control on the weight. But if you are really strict with this vlcd before your op, you may even hit the 14's before you go into hospital. Its something to think about
I am very fusy and have never liked anyvlcd I have tried w8, slimfast, tescos, CD and now shake that weight and i can honestly say the vanilla, chocolate and strawberry are the best i have ever tasted and i love them. I had not order the banana this time because of my very fussyness but i will be next time. I know shake that weight don't make soups, meals or bars but i have honestly never been able to eat them anyway so it does bother me to much. I would recomend them to anyone, if i need a savioury flaviour i will buy veg bullion and have a wee cup now and then. I am sure in a few months I will be fed up with them but i truly usually cant even stick with the others for long because of the taste. If things get to bad i will plan a very healthy meal and control my portion size and straight back on my shakes, but only when i really need to.

Well done on your weight loss so far and i hope the 14s come to you soon. I have dreamed of getting into the 14s before my op but I can't imagain it to be honest, however i will be over the moon if it does happen and i am determind to stick to this whole heartedly.

Lets get rid of this weight for good!
Day 4 shake that weight

Well i must say that the 4 days have flew past:) so that has been a bonus. I am still on form and i think i will do fine n this, I feel a bit less blotted today. I did have a wee look at the scales this moring and 1lb off from yesterday:cool:, but I have promised myself i will not look at the scales until Thursdays weight in day. Well thats all must get on...
Day 5 Shake that weight

I can't believe it is day 5 already time is flying past. I did get a bit upset last night, not sure why buy rather than comfort eating on a big meal i had a salad and dropped a shake for it. l had lettus, cucumber, tomato, spring onion, peppers, sweetcorn, pineapple, picked onion, beetroot, small breast of chicken no dressing and a little salt. i really enjoyed it, i would usually act as though the salad was punishment, but the good news is that my mind set is changing. I must admit i dont feel so cnfident of sticking to the diet today but i wont let that stop me x
Day 6 Shake that weight

Well I can't seem to get to grips with the not weight myself daily promise i made myself and no weight off today either:(. I had 3 shakes yesterday and a chicken salad but i intend to be 100% shake that weight until the op now, so fingers crossed. I am going to try to keep busy today as yesterday I sat about on my big bum, that wont help me loss the weight. So motivation is the buzz word of the day, :cool:. I can honestly say i feel a little less bloated but the only part of my body that looks thinner are my feet. MY FEET of all places i really didnt know they where fatter never mind all the dreaming i done about the slimmer me, not once did i thing i cant wait to see my feet slimmer. Not to worry beggers cant be choosers and to be honest it has to start somewhere, but MY FEET :confused:.
100% shake that weight again

I am sooo pleased to be 100% back on the shakes, i can't believe how down falling off the wagon made me. Which i guess is a good thing as i usually only feel happy on a diet when i am cheating, only this time is quite the revers ;). I have a week of shakes left, so will stick to it for a week then reorder when i get back from my trip, then i plan to be 100% for a good few weeks to shift as much weight as possible :).

I still think the shakes are great and not finding them sickening or boaring as i have with other vlcd in the past. As i will be having a break in a weeks time for my op, i can count this a the break vlcds require us to take. So my hope is that i can use the diet for 12 week in a row, I am hoping that takes my weight down to the 12 stone odds :D. One week of refeed and then i hope to make a decission whether to stick with shake that weight or use the diet nurse form my surgey's low calorie diet suggestions. I will be trying to loss another 1 and 1/2 stones to reach goal, then the plan to maintain (i havent even thought this part of the plan).
Thank you Maisiebud, I am still on a diet but i have introduced a small meal and snack, as my gp said he would prefer i was not on such a low calorie intake before my op. I am not sure it really matters but i would not take the chance, i have only lost 1lb so far this week but even if i only maintain my pervious loss i will be happy. I intend to get back onto my 100% shake that weight a few days after my op, so i cant wait for that. I do hope to have a significant weight loss for christmas this year i fancy skiny jeans a dress top and heals for xmas day (for me that is very adventurous).

Well only 4 days till i leave for my op and i can't wait :)
Well done Lisa, don't beat yourself up too much about falling off the wagon. It's so easily done and I think it even helps get you back on track. It's like three steps forward, one step back :) xx
Hi fatgirlslim, Looks like you will be hitting your first targget well done and enjoy Tenerife x

I weighed myself today and no change but as long as my weight does not increase i will be happy. Bring on the 100% shake that weight, it is funny because i have been told not to do the diet before my surgery i cant wait to get on it afterwards now lol. Not long now x
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Hey Lisa, just a message to subscribe to this thread. Looking forward to watching your progress. Congratulations on the loss so far! :)