Still fighting on with weight loss!!!
OK, so I am not winning that fight, but i am not giving up either.
I am still trying to use the shake that weight but i am not getting many days to be 100%. I trully feel i have a food adiction and although i am not winning the battle i am trying every day so although not great or getting the results i want i am not giving up.
Well it is a start, I have resisted alot of bad habbits i gave up, i still dont eat tones of ice cream, i dont drink fizzy juice, i dont have seconds. I really need to beat the take away food (again), get better portion control (again), cut back the chocolate and crisps (again). On the good side i have managed it before so i know i can do it and it is not impossible.
I knew after all the battles i have managed to deal with in my life FOOD would be the hardest, but i WILL get there.
So the plan is simple, i am trying to stay away from the chocolate and crisps, stay away from take away food, i need to control porsions of any food i eat rather than think well i should not have eaten this so i will just eat as much as i want (if that makes sense).
I will try and stick to shake that weight as much as possible rather than just giving up. I will try to consentrate on damage limitation when i do eat, so healthy options, porsion control, no take away (home cooked food is usually better anyway). Most impotantly I WILL NOT GIVE UP.
Here is to the run up to xmas and as much success as possible xx