Here's to getting the old me back!

Well, the GP was lovely. Says he'd like to discuss my case with the team at the practice, as according to my bloods I'm in perfect health (hurrah!) but he does believe me about the pain and wants to help. He's going to phone when they've had a chance to discuss.

Also went on my scales this morning and have apparently lost 3kg overnight. Bizarre! No idea what's going on there. Water retention? Can stress make you gain silly amounts of weight? Anyway, I'm glad it's not as bad as I thought: I thought I was going mad as all my clothes still fit and I couldn't understand how I could possibly have gained so much in such a short space of time!

Counting the weeks down now. Only five weeks to go til I start my new job. Trying to focus on the positive! Had a very difficult meeting this morning but it has actually encouraged me, as I de-fused the situation quite effectively and managed to prevent it turning into a complete slanging match. Stressful, but also proves I'm reasonably capable at my job!
Hi Spanglymum.
Sorry to hear your hubby has been poorly,hope he gets remission soon.MS can be such an unpredictable illness.Great news he is getting an adapted car it will give him more independance.
Its nice to hear you are feeling more positive our bodies are strange the way they react to stress and food intolerance.I recently found out that it was melon that was causing a lot of my migraines really weird as they never bothered me before.
Hope you manage to find out the cause of your joint pains.Hormones, too much or too little can cause joint pains so might be worth asking to have your levels checked if not already done.
Take care honey and enjoy your new job.
Well, my scales didn't lie! How bizarre! 6 lb off since Saturday and I haven't even been trying. Weird weird weird! Happy it's going back to normal.
Yay, happy days, keep your chin up hun, you certainly do have some difficult challenges to deal with and are a complete inspiration to many of us xxx
Glad to hear the hubby has had his referral for the bladder probs, and also for adapted vehicle. Both will ease life for him for sure.

Five weeks will pass in no time at all. Good to have some recognition of your work, makes a difference.

Amazing to have a GP that listens, miracle that.

Keep fighting the good fight xx
Spangly your an amazing woman,such an inspiration to us all!
Credit to you,stay strong!!
Hope things get a bit better for your hubby hun!
Take care and good in your new job!
Sexy xx
Very sweet of you but I don't feel like an inspiration. Really grumpy today. Weekends are exhausting. I get so jealous of colleagues who look forward to a rest at the weekend. I have to do everything and I'm fed up with it. Nothing to be done. Not my hubby's fault. But feeling very sorry for myself today. Also the heat isn't helping, and lack of sleep (disturbed usually at least twice a night by hubby going to loo and youngest daughter calling out - she's just got old enough to have nightmares poor thing).

Just want a rest! And have some meals cooked for me for a change. And because I'm fed up I want to act out and have some alcohol and biscuits and chocolate but am resisting as I know it wouldn't help and would make me even more unhappy.

Hubby had a couple of falls over the weekend and I'm really worried about him. Aargh. Just need to find something positive to think about rather than the fact I'm still 4 lb heavier than I want to be.
Very odd! After a lovely chat with my hubby last night, some cups of tea, glasses of water and an early night, my weight is back to normal this morning, as is my mental health :rolleyes:. I think I was just knackered (which is a technical term), and the really hot weather doesn't agree with me AT ALL. I love sunny days, but not when it's really humid as well. Looks like today is going to be another scorcher and then back down to normal later in the week.

(I don't like to complain about the weather as the sunshine is lovely and cheery, but when it gets mega-hot I do get a tad irritable! :p)

P.S. Am very proud of myself for resisting acting out using food/drink yesterday. I was much more tempted than I've been in ages, but I managed not to do it, and feel so glad today! Yay!
Keep up the fluids Spangly. That helps. Need extra in the hot weather.xx
Well finally getting referred to a specialist for my joint pains even though technically (from the blood tests) there is 'nothing wrong'. I was more assertive than in years and it worked. Can you believe I've had these pains, apart from in pregnancy or when on Total, for six years?!

Anyway, the gp did try to manage my expectations and said to be prepared for them not finding any cause but given my 'healthy lifestyle and weight' (yay!) and being 'so young' (double yay!) he and the rest of the practice think I should be referred. Phew. Fingers crossed.

Apart from that, feeling quite low still. Think pmt maybe? Feel bloated and think I want to lose a few more pounds... Just to get back to goal properly. I find I'm just about at goal in the morning but by the evening am a kilo or more heavier and waistbands are tight. Feel disproportionately down about being a few pound over my ideal weight - like a failure or something.

Probably just the tiredness talking.
I think i do get very tired, and don't realize it, and try to keep going. That's when I get negative, and when I used to reach for a quick fix of alcohol or sugar to give me a buzz. Still learning!

Haven't faltered though. To be honest I've been eating a wee bit more than is ideal for maintaining this weight but haven't been wanting anything unhealthy really (apart from when tired as above). Just need to be patient with myself. It's been a difficult time and it's understandable I might switch back into old comfort behaviors. At least I was aware of it! I also need to remind myself that it's a false 'comfort' to eat any more than my body actually needs.

Feeling more positive today. It suddenly hit me that I start my fab new job soon!! Yay! And we're getting a new cat tomorrow! And it's my Mum's birthday today.
Great insight.

Keep fighting the good fight x
Great to hear you are feeling more positive and excited about starting your new job.
Take care
Well, bit of a rollercoaster emotionally of late. Feeling low again today. Agh! Just TOTM and bloated and angry with myself for giving in to some carbs (chocolate and biscuits) last night. I was really fed up and tired and angry and just felt like acting out. Am now paying the price with a tight waistband and bloated feeling. Harrumph. Serves me right eh? Am convinced I'm slowly regaining... and have so many crooked thoughts about it. Like "if I'm gaining anyway it doesn't matter if I eat X/Y/Z". Bizarre! Need to stop this in its tracks and get back to where I want to be. Help! (btw as far as I know I'm only a couple of pounds away from my "ideal" weight, so this is all in my mind...)

Just seem so ANGRY and frustrated and tired at the moment. The joys of TOTM, eh?!
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MMMmmm, quite a few issues I think. It's so hard when you ARE slim, you LOOK slim, people are getting used to you BEING slim, so not so many compliments maybe.
LL makes you slim, but as you well know Spangly it doesn't remove the other challenges of life.
Maybe write a quick thought diary if you can make time.
Find out what you were thinking and feeling just before the choc/biscuits whatever.
One thing I tell myself is not that I can't have whatever it is, but that I am choosing not to.
Another tactic which I learnt from a lady in my group is to say yes, I will allow myself to have whatever it is, but I must wait half an hour, by which time you've usually forgotten.
Another one which I don't recommend is to eat up all the chocolate in one go so you can't do it again!
Old habits die hard I'm afraid.
Remember how it was before you started LL and lost all this weight. How would you have felt? How would you have acted?
How would you have looked? What would you have been wearing?
Pat yourself on the back. xx
Slenda - you're so kind and thoughtful with what you post. Your ideas always give me things to ponder and I appreciate you taking the time for me. Thank you!

Right. Crooked thinking didn't stop, but morphed into wavy thinking: ie, it's my birthday this week, so...

I want to work out why I still see biscuits, chocolate and ice cream as 'treats', rather than just sugary foods. Might be some childhood delving there I think... But also wondering about constant media/advertising exposure to that idea as well. I seem to be fine with not drinking, and have seen a lot of the alcohol myths for what they are. Now need to think similarly around high-sugar = reward.

In the meantime, it IS my birthday this week. What can I take to the office instead of the ubiquitous cakes, that people will still view as a 'treat'? Unusual teas? An assortment of tropical fruit?

This might be what you are looking for. Fruit carved to look like a bunch of flowers. A little on the expensive side but very eye catching and beats cake.
With regards to the sweet carb thing, there is a chemical reaction going on as well. My lighter life counsellor was talking about a chemical that is released in the body that prompts us to eat sweet carbs. WHilst we are on the program it gets switched off. We come out of abstinence and bang it goes into overdrive prompting cravings for sweet sugary things. The best thing to do is to starve it for 18 months and then it switches itself off naturally. Just a thought to help fight the cravings xx

Thanks for the suggestion, Clara - very unusual and original!

I find with the sugar cravings that as long as I don't have any, I don't want any, if that makes sense. What seems to happen is that if I have the first >insert item name here< I then want more about an hour later. I've been managing my weight reasonably successfully by watching the GI of the food I eat and only ever having high GI foods at the end of/as part of a meal (eg raisins only as part of a salad, not a between-meal snack). It works really well.

Things went out of whack last week because of (a) PMT and (b) feeling very sorry for myself. Neither of which are reasons to over-consume/eat unhelpful things. I'm not going to beat myself up over it - just trying to learn from it.

I'm going to do a few weeks of Lite (from this coming weekend) to mainly sort out my head after this recent wobble. I've only put on a few pounds, so it isn't really about the weight (though I'd like to take them off again). It's more about examining these latest triggers and having the space to find ways of managing them more effectively in future (fully accepting that they're never going to completely go away!)

Can anyone point me in the direction of more instructions on Thought Records? I'm not sure which of my books they're in and I need a refresher!
I think it's in the Foundation Workbook about a third of the way through from memory, but I'm sure someone will come along and tell you exactly.x