hi everyone.... im new here :-)

hey everyone :-D :-D :-D

Im new to the page.im not even sure if ive posted this on the right bit.lol.i have just been prescribed orlistat and im one of the few people who has managed to get the tablets.i was looking forward to starting them untill i read the side effects ie accidents.lol. the doctor didnt tell me much about it just thst it would help with weightloss.so i would really apreciate any info that you could give me.quite scared to take my first tablet.lol. looking forward to hearing for use all. xxxxxx
Hey I am also on orlistat and to be honest I don't suffer from too many side effects. Basically of you have a diet that is high in fat then you are going to know all about these accidents. So the tablets in themselves are a good deterrent I feel. The only think I personally have noticed is your toilet action will be a bit different but nothing too dramatic
hey.thats a relief.lol.i have tead about the 5g rule and no more than 15g per meal. think i will do fine with that as im not a big eater just that i eat the wrong things.lol. im still not sure on few a few otjer things like is it just the fat you need to watch for or do the calories in food make you have these accidents and is the leaking all the time.and i noticed that fizzy juice like irn bru have no fat in it so would drinking that be ok.lol.sorry that this is so long but i have been sitting with these tablets for over a week and im in two minds weather to take them or not as ive read a few horror stories bout the accidents.xxxxxxx
I understand completely what you mean, before I started them one of my aunties went on them for about a week and stopped taking them as she was at work and almost well.. "had an accident"
I thought right I will give them a try if they make me feel uncomfortable then I'll go off.
I have been on them now for, I think Monday was the beginning of my 3rd week and I havent had any accidents or rushing to the toilet kind of thing. Sometimes when I go to the toilet the firmness might be a bit different depending on what you eat but I've not yet had a very runny one.. lol its hard explaining this without trying to sound too vulgar at the same time.
To give an example, my dad is on them too and even though I told him not too, he ate a pork pie the other week and I think that wasnt a very nice experience out the other end.
Basically its pretty much only the fat in things you need to watch as what the tablets do is help to block I think its around 1/3 of your fat intake from your meals and releases it in your toilet, so you will usually find a like oilyness to your stools regardless of amount of fat you've eaten.
I still have fizzy drinks like diet coke etc from time to now and like you say they don't have any fat so I haven't ever had a problem with them so I dont see why you would.
Thinking back I think in my first week I did have a bit of uncomfort in my abdomen, but thats all it was a bit of uncomfort and it passed as soon as it came and I think its one of the really common side affects.

If I were you, which I was 3 weeks ago and I had heard some horror stories too.. Id just give them a weeks trial either way as that was my initial plan and although the idea of them is deter you from eating high fat meals in the first place, if for the first week(s) if theres a meal you're having and your worried about the fat and having an accident then just dont take one of them for that one.
thanks you have put my mind at rest.lol.im not so worried about my stool when im in the toilet coz atleast im in the right place.lol.its just when im out at work n when im out walking.lol.but aslong as i stick to the rules i should be ok?found myself looking at the back of every pack of food in the supermarket today.lol.gets quite addictive.lol.you mentioned that if im not sure about the fat content of my food just dont take the tablet for that meal.does that work?even if ive took the morning and lu.chtime one? think i will just bite the bullet and start them on monday,as you daid i can come off them if i feel uncomfortable.thanks again hun you have been a great help.how are you getting on with them if you dont mind me asking? xxxxxx
The way I understand it is that each tablet works for that specific meal.. or food you've ate within the hour of taking it.. I could be wrong on that, but I read in the leaflet if I was eating a meal with no fat in, then I don't need to take one for that meal.. for example some mornings im not that hungry so I'll just have say a grapefruit and then a fat free yogurt, so I dont bother taking one for that. I mean obviously ideally you want to take them anytime you eat fat but if its a meal you're worried about.. I think its safer to skip it then well.. have an unexpected accident.
Well I use them in conjunction with following Slimming Worlds plan personally and like my dad has said it will take a few weeks for them to start kicking in properly and stuff.
But yeah Ive just started my 3rd week on Mon, and my next weigh in isnt due till this coming Monday so at present in 2 weeks my loss has been 5lbs.
welldone on your loss so far :-D.yeah i read that aswell about not taking it if there was no fat in your food but just wasnt sure if it was still in your system like anti biotics kind of thing.lol.my doctor hasnt told me anything about these tablets hence all the questions,she didnt even tell me to come bk in a month to gt weighed i was just to phone up n gt them repeated :-/ quite glad i found this forum or i would be living in the bathroom.lol.well good luck with your weighin and i will let you know how i get on with my tablets xxxxxx
When I got prescriped them, the way it was explained to me is that its a repeat prescription for 6 months, then you will go to the doctors who will weigh you and provided you have lost 10% of your body weight in that time, they'll continue to prescribe them.
I'm always on Wikipedia so thats how I know so much stuff, lol.
Anyway speak to you in the week then, good luck
Good Luck with your journey, mine was started with orlistat too, I was on it for 4 months when I came off & have been off for 4 months. I never had any accidents but stuck to the rules, the only thing I ate out the rules was eggs but it took me weeks to have the guts to try it. I always believed they stayed in your system for 72 hours so if you are going out for a meal that you know is not good you would end up being off them for nearly a week as 3 days before & 3 days after, that is what I was told......