Thank you
@FaeFaeFiFi , who'd of thought 4.6 kgs loss could make such a difference. Apparently its the same weight as a household cat, not my two big boys though. The week before's total was a human head believe it or not

I can really tell too. Clothes feel more comfortable which is good.
Food wise I'm just trying to sick to around 10 grams of carbs per meal, in line with the guidance and around 200 calories. Myfitnesspal helps with that. The Heck chicken sausages and burgers are on offer on Tesco which is why I stocked up.
The chicken Italia chipolatas are 76 calories for two and you get 10 in a pack. The two are 0.9 grams of carbs and 12.7 of protein. They are basically long skinny sausages

The Italia burgers are 126 calories each and you get two in a pack. Each has 1.6 grams of carbs and 21.1 grams of protein. Both are realllllly filling.
So most of my carbs come from the salad stuff and sauces. Quorn, chicken, tuna and eggs are good staples to have.
Apparently 'the consultants' advise only one bar as they make more money from you if you just have shakes. So a little (ex LL consultant) bird told me....

There is no limit as such with Exante but there's the warning on the pack that excessive consumption can have a laxative effect

that's not the case for me but the soups do have that effect bizarrely.
Most concerts have been rearranged, its just Hyde Park that's been cancelled and refunded so far. Reading Festival gave the options for a refund or she could use her ticket for next year, so she's done that.