Mazza's two stone challenge

Thanks @Mini I think so too but I'm obviously biased 🙂 Her hair does look good but the colour is so highly pigmented and as she's a hair fiddler, she's slowly turning blue. Like Avatar 😂💙

Thanks @anna.claire thats exactly what I wanted to do with this 🙂
Day fourteen

Had a rubbish nights sleep, a grand total of one hour and 52 minutes.....It seems to have coincided with swapping from our winter quilt to the summer one. The weight of the heavier one helps me a lot as it stops my legs from being so restless. Seriously thinking of investing in a weighted blanket, any recommendations, pros and cons would be welcome.

Shakes etc

11:00 vanilla low sugar with a double espresso

Nice and I needed that caffeine hit

14:00 caramel latte frappe with another espresso 😋

Very nice. I made my daughter a vanilla one but using a nescafe sachet, she loved it.

18:00 heck chicken italia burger (126 calories) and a large salad with some extra light mayo.

Came in at 214 calories but I didnt eat the tomato, so was actually 199 👍

21:30 birthday cake bar

Perfect with my decaffeinated coffee

Other drinks

5 500 ml of water

2 coffees (one decaffeinated)


I did an indoor walk / run ladder thing. Walk for one minute, run for one, walk for one, run for two. Working up to running for five, then working back down the ladder. I really enjoyed it.

Also a quick walk with the dogs this evening, when it was cool enough for them.

Day fourteen over and out 🙂


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@Mazza you sound so focused! Which is helping me to stay focused! I’ve had another delivery of exante products today as I wanted to try a wider variety to see what I like. I was finding myself after only 3 days being a bored of the same sort of tasting soups and the evening meal type products aren’t the best, edible as I’m not a fussy eater but not the best. So I started not looking forward to meal times which is not like me! But I know eventually that could lead me to boredom eating and I’ve heard a few people saying to try different things and see which products are more to my taste!

So I’ve not got a few extra things to mix it up and try, wider variety of shakes, quite a few of the bars and then a few things like pancakes to try. Also got myself a new water bottle to keep nearby whilst I’m working from home to keep me drinking throughout the day.

Looking forward for hearing about your weigh in! Good luck
Drum roll, week two weigh in 1 kg lost, so 3.6 kgs in two weeks or just over half a stone in old money :) not the biggest loss but if I lose half a stone every two weeks consistently, I'll be over the moon 🌛 I know week two and three losses can be smaller so I'm hoping I still lose something next week.

Reflecting on week two, I suffered from mild constipation but some Fybogel has helped with that. I had a flash back to when my nanna Lillian used to have to take it and suddenly felt very old ha ha. The bars are delicious but I'm wondering if having them more than once a day hinders your losses, some people say no, others say it does. I still don't like the shephard's pie, although the one I had at lunchtime with some cauli rice, a mushroom, some Italian herbs and a boat load of Worcester sauce made it pleasant (picture for reference). Only eight more to go........

Shakes etc

10:00 chocolate orange bar

Yummmmm, with my coffee

14:00 shephard's 'pie' with added bits as above

Well I ate it, will NOT be ordering any more for sure

18:30 same as yesterday, Heck chicken burger and salad

Very nice and filling too

21:00 will be having a caramel crunch bar with my decaff coffee

Other drinks

5 500 ml of water

3 coffees (one decaff)


A 30 minute indoor run walk thing. One minute walk, five minutes run times 5. Tracker didn't pick it all up, rather annoyingly.........

Day fifteen over and out.


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Day sixteen

Another very warm and busy work day at home 🙂

Shakes etc

10:00 low sugar coconut

First time trying this and really enjoyed it, made my usual way. The ice made it really thick, had to eat it rather than drink it

13:00 cherry bakewell

OMG, heaven and again, really thick 😍

19:00 king prawn and cottage cheese salad (pic attached). Was so filling for 175 calories. Over an hour later, I'm still picking at it 🙄

Will be having a bar with my decaff coffee later. OH is working late tonight so going to wait up for him.

Other drinks

5 500 ml of water

3 coffees (one decaff)


Indoor walk / run for 30 mins and some pottering.

Day sixteen, over and out 🙂


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Day seventeen

Another scorchio day, which saw my lawn turn to hay 😂😂 I must water it later.

Shakes etc

10:00 strawberry shake

14:00 lemon bar

20:00 my take on special fried rice, only not rice. Cauli rice, king prawns, pepper, onion, mushrooms, peas, light soy and fish sauce. All for 162 calories. Picture below of my leftovers, as my before pic didn't save 😪

Will have another bar later with my decaff, as per usual.

Other drinks

All the water and all the coffee


5 x 5 minutes running with a minutes walk in between.

Day seventeen, over and out 🙂👍


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Day eighteen

A good day spent mostly at home and resting

Shakes etc

12:00 lemon bar

15:00 cherries and berries shake


19:00 200 calorie meal of heck chicken sausages, cauli rice stir fried with some onions, mushroom, green beans, soy and fish sauce

21:30 birthday cake bar with a coffee

Other drinks

Water and coffee

Activity - none, a rest day which was much needed.
Day nineteen

Another restful day, interrupted by a trip to Tesco 🙄

11:00 chocolate orange bar

16:00 chicken breast, nandos medium sauce, green beans and gravy. Over 200 calories but I've only had one product today.

21:00 birthday cake bar and half a chocolate shake made hot

Other drinks

Water and coffee


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Day twenty

Busy, busy, busy work day. Hardly moved all day so did some running as it got cooler. Still suffering with constipation, even with Fybogel and Senokot and having a bit more water. I feel so bloated too, any tips?

Shakes etc

11:00 rhubarb and custard shake

14:00 strawberry jam and yoghurt bar

19:00 chicken salad, slightly over calories and carbs but I did 40 mins of running, so......picture and macros below

21:30 will be having a chocolate caramel crunch bar with a decaff coffee

Other drinks

3 litres of water, two normal and two decaff coffees.


41 minutes running 🏃‍♀️


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Day twenty one

Such a stressful day at work, a long one too 😫 Really needed to get to the chemist to pick up my prescription and to get something for my *problem*. Will have to go first thing tomorrow now.

Shakes etc

11:00 chocolate orange 🍊 bar

14:00 lemon 🍋 bar

Was too busy to make a shake despite best intentions

19:00 tuna salad, just under 200 calories

Was very nice and filling too

21:30 will have a bar later with my coffee

Other drinks

3 litres of water
4 coffees, 2 were decaff


31 (random) minute run

Day twenty one, over and out. Weigh in day tomorrow, not anticipating a huge loss but anything will do 🙄👍


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Day twenty two and I'm writing this on my new laptop, oooh its so nice. My old one had a stuck left click on the mouse pad, which was really annoying as you need it, a lot! The left hand hinge had also snapped of from the plastic casing (thank you Dave cat) so the screen was gaffer taped to permanently open so that the charger point could still be accessed, without the lead falling straight out. So, I really needed a new one! Anyway on with my update.

Shakes etc

10:00 chocolate orange bar

14:00 chocolate mint shake


20:00 heck chicken burger, with some nando's sauce and green beans 184 cals

21:45 birthday cake bar with my decaff coffee

Other drinks

3 litres of water, 3 coffees (one decaff) and a Dr Pepper zero


41 minutes running

Day twenty two over and out 🙂


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Whyyyyyyyyyy am I not getting told about your posts?! I don’t understand. I did for a while then it stopped again. It says I’m following you (creepy) so o don’t get it.

You’re doing amazing, well done!!! Gonna need your tips and advice on the low calorie meals, they all look great and awesome for new laptop!! Glad you’ve got some treats too :) so sorry I have missed loads again. I really don’t get it!!!!
Thank you @FaeFaeFiFi and no worries, its always nice to see a post from you though.

I love my laptop, don't know why I waited so long to get a new one, was probably busy buying stuff for my daughter. Teenagers are expensive to run, for sure. What with dance classes, travel passes for sixth form, laptops, phones, airpods, festivals and concerts (all postponed though) etc etc 😂😂

Day twenty three

Shakes etc

10:00 chocolate orange bar

This has fast become by go to breakfast, it doesn't actually feel like 'diet' food, more like a sweet treat with a coffee in the morning

14:00 lemon cheesecake shake

Love, love, love this 🍋

20:00 an odd concoction of heck chicken sausages, salad, hot sauce and lighter than light mayo. Very nice and 185 calories. I do love a good salad 🙂

21:45 chocolate caramel crunch with my decaff

Other drinks

3 litres of water and 4 coffees (one decaff)

Activity - absolutely zilch. Haven't felt 100% today and can't quite figure out why BUT I've also done something to my neck / shoulder. Its painful and I can't turn my head too much either. So thought it best to take a rest day, hoping I'm better tomorrow, its Friday after all!!


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