Drum roll, week two weigh in 1 kg lost, so 3.6 kgs in two weeks or just over half a stone in old money

not the biggest loss but if I lose half a stone every two weeks consistently, I'll be over the moon

I know week two and three losses can be smaller so I'm hoping I still lose something next week.
Reflecting on week two, I suffered from mild constipation but some Fybogel has helped with that. I had a flash back to when my nanna Lillian used to have to take it and suddenly felt very old ha ha. The bars are delicious but I'm wondering if having them more than once a day hinders your losses, some people say no, others say it does. I still don't like the shephard's pie, although the one I had at lunchtime with some cauli rice, a mushroom, some Italian herbs and a boat load of Worcester sauce made it pleasant (picture for reference). Only eight more to go........
Shakes etc
10:00 chocolate orange bar
Yummmmm, with my coffee
14:00 shephard's 'pie' with added bits as above
Well I ate it, will NOT be ordering any more for sure
18:30 same as yesterday, Heck chicken burger and salad
Very nice and filling too
21:00 will be having a caramel crunch bar with my decaff coffee
Other drinks
5 500 ml of water
3 coffees (one decaff)
A 30 minute indoor run walk thing. One minute walk, five minutes run times 5. Tracker didn't pick it all up, rather annoyingly.........
Day fifteen over and out.