Hi everyone

Its fine to vent hun, thats what a diary is there for. It can be hard, but just try to focus on the reason you are doing it and how amazing you will feel when you have achieved your goal. Hope your ok,


Hi, thanks Spolly, you're right, i'm not going to let anything get me off track, and i'm not finding it that hard, i'm very rarely hungry doing this, i don't know if it because i'm choosing better foods or if i've just go used to less.
I'm really looking forward to going into shops and knowing anything will fit and just feeling more and more confident.:)
Hope everything is going ok with you :)
Hi, well just been to see the nurse for my weigh in, and I've lost 15lbs, I'm so chuffed, that is in 4 weeks and I've had 3 or 4 days off when we've had family events. The nurse was almost as pleased as I was so roll on the next four weeks. I'm going to aim for 7lbs each time and any more is a bonus.
Well done. Thats a brillant result, keep up the good work.
That's a great weight loss for the first month, I think aiming for half a stone a month is a great incentive, and like you say anything over is a bonus :)
Thanks everyone. I'm on day the 3rd day of my second four weeks. All's going well, going gardening at a primary school today as a community event from work. Everyone is having chippy but I've told them I'll have a sandwich. I didn't Wang to feel like the odd one out but I had a few days not following the rules last week with b'days and family visiting so I'm not having another day off so soon. Hopefully burn off lots of calories aswell.
Well done on choosing the sambo, I done that today in work. All the girls were having Sausage, Beans & Chips. I had a wrap with chicken and tomato. It did bother me a little bit earlier but i'm so glad now.