Glad the pain has eased a bit hun. Really feel for you at the moment, I know how debilitating pain can be. Don't forget to drink some milk with those strong pain killers, helps to protect your stomach lining.
Sending big hugs and kisses to you x x x
Hiya Roch
Glad you found some effective pain killers. You will notice the difference to your spine in weeks, not months hon. The rate you can lose your weight it will be falling off you in stones!I'd be very surprised if you don't lose at least 4 stone in just 6-8 weeks (you already lost almost 2!). It's bound to make a fantastic difference to your back and all your other joints. By the time you have lost 6 stone you will be amazed at the difference and so it will continue with each half stone. It's all going to be good stuff Roch, hang on in there and you'll see and more importantly, FEEL, the benefits.
Hugs & love
Jennie xx
Roch hon, you always have a choice... it's up to you to get into ketosis and stay there., sorry if that offends or upsets, it isn't meant to and I know that you know that, you know I say it how it is, and that's how it is.
You CAN do this my darlin, you really can. Forget the blip.. done and dusted now.. you know what you can and can't eat and what you do and don't need and how to do this the right way for your body. I ain't saying it's easy - it isn't, especially with your current health problems, but it IS do-able. I know you have it in you to do this sweetheart. When in pain, life always seems a million times harder and in reality is probably is too! BUT... if you can get through it a minute at a time then do it that way hon.
I so want good things for you and good health and greater mobility and a painless existence for you (and for your darling boy).
Stay strong (you have overcome MUCH bigger hurdles in your life). If you need to talk, call me. I won't bully or nag, just listen and love.
You know my heart is in this for you hon.
Take care - here's hoping for a better day and a positive outlook xx
Oh, and as for being a fraud - get THAT thought out of your head RIGHT NOW young lady!!! Tsk tsk!!! As if!! Your pains and health issues are YOURS and VERY real!! No shame in being honest about them - OK!!!!!
Just because someone else has different probs doesn't lessen yours.. remember that! Do NOT feel gulity! - BAD emotion!! VERY debilitating AND destructive! Yukky thing!xxxx
Fantastic result Roch! Brilliant news - 2 down already! Wow, you should be well chuffed
As for the blood sugars.. do keep an eye on them, remember our chat and about energy intake sweetheart...
Hope the rest of your weekend is lovely., I'm off to watch a film with Zoe (on Channel 5, 'My Stepmother Is An Alien') no idea what it'll belike but I've told her to MAKE me sit and watch it.. lol
Take care hon and well done again, that is fabulous newsxxx
What another fantastic result hun! Well done.
wow Roch, 2 st i 2 weeks, thats really amazing hun.
i know you are feeling yuk at the moment, but hang in there & soon you'll be telling us its 3, 4, 5 stone gone.
i may not post too often, but i often think about you & how you're doing & how your back is.
Well done Roch. What a great 2 weeks you have had. You know you can do it
Irene xx