Oh thank you very much
if you don't like coffee but enjoy tea, there are lots of options for tea too! You can drink as much green tea as you like, aswell as peppermint, red bush etc etc.. Just without milk. You can add tea bags into the shakes too, if you like that kind of thing. Peppermint tea added to chocolate shakes make a mint hot chocolate drink
The first few days to have a few affects but they shouldn't last. Keep your water intake up to stop you dehydrating or becoming light headed/dizzy. Your body will need time to adjust to the plan, so you can feel lethargic etc, but it should soon pick up and you will feel great after the first week. You will find the hunger goes away too!
Coke Zero, Dr Pepper Zero and other drinks have different opinions from person to person. Some only drink one glass/can per day and have that as a kind of treat in the evenings. I have been known to drink a litre of Zero a day and it never affected my losses at all! There is also a nice hot savoury drink you can buy as a tub of powder called Bouillon. This is strong so only needs a teeny amount put into a cup of hot water, and can be great to help fill you up, especially on cold nights. Almost like a cup of soup
I tried exercising quite a bit on this diet and that is the only thing that slowed my losses quite a bit, so I stopped, and my losses speeded up again. When we're on so little calories and try to do too much, the body can panic and hold into fat stores, slowing losses, but still making us fitter with exercise. For me, I choose to cut down the exercise and will wait until I am near goal to increase the calories with an extra pack and concentrate on toning and fitness then. On the week I did most exercise I lost the least, but everyone is different!
If there are days you really need to eat then protein and no carbs is the best choice. An egg, slice of meat, chicken breast are all fine. The thing to remember is whatever happens, even if you fall off the wagon, just get straight back on and don't let a little slip become a landslide. It's not a failing to have a day of mistakes, we are all human and if it can't be helped then just draw a line under that day and continue on plan

gains caused by a slip are often reversed within a day or two back on plan so always pick yourself up and carry on. Eggs, chicken etc isn't a slip up, but I would keep them to a minimal if possible. There is a food week break at week 4 but Exante have now changed this to a low calories week. This means only needing 200 calories more a day on that week.
Some do Total solution, 3 packs a day, and some do Working solution, a low carb ketosis friendly meal added in, so whichever works for you you will find out in time. I am doing TS and am currently on day 59. It really does get easier so stick with it, and it is more than worth it

I feel great for the first time in a long time.
There is always support here when you need it, I have logged onto this forum every single day and without a doubt it is why I have come so far and found it a doodle! The diet becomes habit, pretty soon you won't think about food and will be halfway to goal, it goes so quickly
