Hi im new to SF :)

Good Morning Ladies.

How are we all today?! its Thursday which can only mean one thing . . . tomorrow is Friday and my god am i pleased it is!!! talk about a long week!!!

Diet going gd again :) after my pizza hehe.

Stef - how is Slim and Save, saw your comment last night. . . i know the exact feeling its horrible isn't it!! i hope your not too hungry today?

This week has gone slow hasnt it!? Its school half term next week.. dreading it lol
Glad too see alls going well after your treat :D You may of lost a stone next wednesday exciting!!

Its going ok, was hungry last night but ok this morn, its 4pm onwards i seemed to struggle with!

oooo half term - good for the kiddies not so much for the mummies!! lol

i know, and if i dont lose that last 1.5lbs ill be mega annoyed at myself! so being amazingly good from now on def!! :)

4m onwards is my worst time too!!! that time when you start getting slightly bored and thefore peckish!!! but good you wasnt hungry in the evening!! maybe its just that you will have to have your last shake at 4pm rather 6pm for a while and then once in ketosis im sure you'll be fine as the hunger goes away a bit doesnt it :)

went to tesco last night and stocked up again on my light choices ready meals . . . i bought 6 of them and yes 3 of them were sausage and mash!! haha opps!!! its sooo yummy though!!

x x x
Ahhh you'll do it, just stick with it like u say being soooo good and you'll achieve it :D

Ohh what you like with ur sausage and mash haha nahh dont blame ya if youve found something you like you may aswell have it!! Bet you wont be buying it in a few weeks though you'll be fed up lol. xx
i know i think i'll be fed up of it when it starts getting warmer cos its a proper winter dish isnt it!! yummmm

hey ho, soon it will be warm enough for salads!! haha

o nearly half way through the day!!! phew! x x x
I think this year we may actually get our summer in june-sept rather than april-may!

Better for us, more time to lose weight wahooo :D

Im hungry now, waiting for my choc bar for dinner at 1pm lol

Spose to be doing paperwork today but im sat watching steps reunion haha x
yes defo! love the late summers now! cos we will be even skinnier hahaha!!! lots of summer photos in lovely summer clothes :D Exciting!!!!

hahaha ooooo i love Steps!!! i used to have their video (not DVD VIDEO!!!) where they showed you their dances and how to make some tomato pasta. . . . and yes i did the dances and yes i made the pasta. . . dont judge me!!! lol

x x x
Awww haha i cant judge, i was obssessed with spice girls, i thought i was a spice girl, did concerts with my friends in the streets, couldnt see my wallpaper for posters, i thought i was 'geri aka ginger spice' made my mum buy all her merchendise haha saddooooo xx
hahaha - i used to love spic girls the movie!! i would pretend im baby spice because her name was Emma too! hahah!! aw bless us!!

Ahhhhh them was the days!!! xx
exactly!!! :)!

o god this day needs to hurry up!!! i have had my banana shake (fancied a change) and my squares are sitting on my desk . . . i so want to eat them now but then by 3pm ill be hungry if i do . . . o boredom is the worst isnt it xxx
Hi !

Steps and Spice girls ... those were the days.... feeling very old now!

Loving the sound of that sausage and mash Emma it must be good!

Just had a 297 cals light chicken caserole from Waitrose which was yummy!!

Trying to bring in mico lunch and have a shake in the evening as I find it helps with the 4 - 7pm hunger when I tend to inhale malted milks without even realising it!

Hope the slim and save works out Stef I haven't tried a VLCD so would love to hear about it - I keep thinking - oh I have a birthday meal or dinner out then and wont be able to work that out with the diet ... I am sure there must be a way!!

Just picked up my Mum's birthday cake from town and have a feeling there will be a lot of cake about this weekend so I am trying to be really good!!

No malted milks in the house .. trying to find biscuits the boys like and I don't is proving difficult!

XXX - reach for the stars - XXX
Hi Lilo,

omg its amazing - the sausage and mash!!! sooo yummy and is 350cals!!! atm im like sitting at my desk and dribbling over the thought of long stem brocolli - WHY?!?!? i have no idea!!!! im even thinking right im having pasta tonight because i cannot have sausage and mash again!!! its too much even for me but then im think ooooo but i really want long stem brocolli . . . never in my life have i craved vegetables!!!!! :S things are changing haha!

ooooo malted milks are sooooo yummy! i think tbh the thought of a cuppa tea and some biscuits is always such a nice thought . . . espcially in the winter!!! i'll even give boring rich teas a go hahaha!!! good luck in finding biscuits you dont like!!

ooo good plan, i dont think i could have just a shake in the evening though, i think if i did then i would defo be reaching for the crisps!!

oooo i bought my bf a lovely little cupcake for valentines day as part of his present and my god the smell was delish!!!! luckily it was in a sealed box until i gave it to him otherwise i may have had to get him another present!!!

XXXX - Climb every mountain high - XXXX
i'm getting very jelous with all this food talk ;) xx
sorry Stef!!! :S

How are you?! Happy Friday - FINALLY!!!!

How was yesterday with Slim and Save?! x x x
Lol only joking! I have to watch my partner and son eat it constantly, i'd rather read about it than see it!!!
Happy friday to you too, hope your day goes quickly!!!
Ahhh it was a good day yesterday thankyou :)

Ive just made a horrendous discovery though lol....

I havnt had totm for over 4 years :O due to my depo pill.. Some ladies have said they havnt had totm either for along time but s&s kicked it off ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it sounds stupid but im so scared of having it again, it like traumatises me lol i had to go on that pill due to periods that couldnt even make me get out of bed, thats all i bloody need!! :(

aw bless you - just think as they are eating of all the calories they are having!!! bleurgh - nasty calories!!

uh oh - i feel your pain!!! i have the worst totm too!!! before i went on my pill they were hurrendous! like as in stay in bed scrunched up crying with pain, i used to think how can my own body make me in this much pain. these eased off a bit since being on the pill but every other month i still have a day were its so painful - makes you feel really sick etc doesn't it?! perhaps go to the docs? i need and they gave me these tablets that were supposed to make the muscles in your womb relax more so the pains wern't so bad . . . did they work on me - NO!!! lol but might be worth a try!!! :(

Ahhh bein a woman eh :rolleyes:

If i do start totm again dun dun dunnnnn i'll go docs see what they can do about it. I was coming off the depo anyway soon cos wanting another baby next year and it can take 3 years on depo get pregnant, so i guess in theory my totm time will be coming soon either way!!! xx
o yer very true!!! wait and see i guess and go to the docs if you need to!

im getting very tempted by the sound of your shakes and bars!!!! getting lil bit jealous lol!!! What bar have you had and does it taste nice?! xxx