Hi Lovely CDers I'm new

DQ to the rescue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miss M, dont worry, I have the worst technical brain ever in the world, they will all tell you that on here, and it took me agas but I can now do my signature, its a case of messing about and keeping fingers firmly crossed and hoping it works for me!
Oh honey, I'm a constant restarter!! Lost 7 stone originally, got ill, put back on about 2 stone over 18 months, and now determined to get to my goal weight (102 lbs away!! :eek: )
COngrats 7 stone you did really well! You have done it before so i am sure the determination will be there. I know it is hard, i really miss chewing if they could invent some kind of cracker i would be fine.

How are you going to cope over Xmas? that is why i am not starting now as i know it won't work and also, Hubby to be would be worried i wasn't eating. Last time i was on it, i told him i was doing a detox because he wouldn't understand me doing this kind of diet and would think it was unsafe
Christmas is either SS or Add a Meal depending on when it falls. My DH was very anti me losing weight, and it led to a lot of rucks, but I think he's finally really behind me now!