I nearly caved for something nice too, my brain must be hard wired for treats at the weekend. It hasn't been nights out for a while more bottles of wine,nice food and some chocolates or things with the kids, the cinema kills me! I've went and took individual wholemeal salted popcorn, water and some nuts but having big popcorn and sweet bags passed over me is horrible! They even get those fries with guac and chili sauce and sour cream so my wee bag of popcorn stays in the bag haha!
My other half would never come in eating nice food in my face though. I would kill him dead haha! My fella is 6ft 2 and solid and needs his grub but if he wants something he grabs it when he's out and I make them dinners that aren't my absolute favorite so I'm not feeling deprived. I have to or else I'd give in. Can you not tell him to be firm and not let you if you have a moment? Have him keep his treats away from you? I hint about ordering something and my fella asks if I really want it, if I really really want it he will get it for me but I have to think hard if I do. Sometimes totm rules me and I go for it and needed it and sometimes it's just a passing fancy and I'm not as bothered as I thought I was. It's hard though, it is and you have to sometimes reward all your hard work to lose weight by not giving in, well I do cos like I said one unplanned treat opens the flood gates for me. I like being slimmer than I am! I like it when my clothes are comfy and it's even so much better when I get to go shopping for a size down.
I have a night out tonight, shall we see if this mindset sticks?! I am going for it this time! I've decided to drive and have a white wine spritzer early on and have soda and lime the rest of the night. I'll take a bar. If I have more than one drink I'll leave the car and taxi home knowing it's a pain in the arse tomo to get it back...wish me luck! No wish me willpower!