Holiday in 8 weeks - 2 stone to shed challenge (part two)

10 Weekly Weigh Ins to Go :eek:
7 Days to next weigh-in.

I have ordered some Exante food packs this week to replace brekky and lunch as I want to keep the temptation of food to a minimum.
I quite like the sound of their products as they are not full of artifical sweetners and other additives, however they are quite expensive at £2.38 a portion so I had better make sure I don't cheat and stick to the guidelines.

I am pleased to say, after Saturday nights crisp buttie, I got straight back on track yesterday and feel alot better this morning. I was so tired yesterday...Zzzzz.

Monday 18th May's plan:

b/fast - Tescos low carb shake
lunch - one egg omelette with cheese and mushrooms
tea - butterbean & chicken salad
snacks - soya protein shake, apple

Water - 3litres

Vitamins - 1000mg of vit C, A to Z multivit, 1000mg Evening Primrose oil.

Exercise - 30 mins cardio & toning
30 min brisk walk with dogs.
P.S I cannot believe I am on week two of a diet :eek:...I normally don't make it past three days. I am very pleased with myself. :silly:
Hi Gaynor, Just wanted to say well done!
You are doing great! :)

Clare x
Whooo hooo my Exante packs have arrived so I am looking forward to dabbling with those.
I was very good last night...O/H was really pi$$ing me off...normally I comfort myself with food. So as usual I went to the cupboards and what did I find??? A microwave chicken curry. So feeling a bit down, I put the curry in the microwave...thank god it took ten minutes to cook. Because it took that long for me to get annoyed with myself and decide that food wasn't the answer to my miffed feelings.
I took the partially cooked curry out of the microwave and put it in the bin (yes it was a waste of money, but I am saving my life), and I took the dogs out for an "annoyed" brisk walk/semi-jog. It was 11pm and raining quite heavy...but that didn't matter, I had to get rid of these pi$$ed off feelings that I really should have vented on my bloke.
Thirty minutes later, me and the dogs staggered in, wet, tired but back on an emotional even keel.
I then went to bed and slept well...I was too tired to worry about menopausal men.

I am so pleased with myself this morning...that is the second time in a week I have managed to divert myself from temptation...that is so rare, yet incredibly empowering for me.:D < big smiles.

10 Weekly Weigh Ins to Go :eek:
6 Days to next weigh-in.
Tuesday 19th May's plan:

b/fast - Tescos low carb choccy shake
lunch - Exante chicken soup
tea - Chicken & herb garden salad
snacks - Exante nut bar, strawberries

Water - 3.5litres

Vitamins - 1000mg of vit C, A to Z multivit, 1000mg Evening Primrose oil.

Exercise - 60 mins cardio & toning
30 min brisk walk with dogs.
I am so pleased with myself this morning...that is the second time in a week I have managed to divert myself from temptation...that is so rare, yet incredibly empowering for me.:D < big smiles.

Well done Gaynor! :clap:
I'm near Pontefract, West Yorkshire :)
Well hello from Hull on the t'other side of Yorkshire. :wavey:

Feeling a bit pap today, so I will keep my post brief...I want to get out in the sunshine asap, hopefully to lift my black mood.

10 Weekly Weigh Ins to Go :eek:
5 Days to next weigh-in.

Wednesday 20th May's plan:

b/fast - Exante soup
lunch - Exante banana shake
tea - Fresh tuna salad
snacks - Portion of fresh pineapple, apple

Water - 3.5litres

Vitamins - 1000mg of vit C, A to Z multivit, 1000mg Evening Primrose oil.

Exercise - 60 mins cardio & toning
30 min brisk walk with dogs.
I have been a busy bee today and it seems to have chased yesterdays blues away.
I did get on the scales this morning and they havent moved since Sunday morning so I am a bit miffed. It is my totm but I still want a loss, if only a little one. I have four days until my next weigh in so I am going to work extra hard to ensure I get a loss on Monday - drink plenty of water, keep exercise levels up, focus on positive things (imaging the fat melting away:eek:) as I lay cooking in a hot bath.
Hey ho to another dieting day. :rolleyes:

10 Weekly Weigh Ins to Go :eek:
5 Days to next weigh-in.

Wednesday 20th May's plan:

b/fast - Exante soup
lunch - Exante strawb shake
tea - chicken stir fry
snacks - Exante bar

Water - 3.5litres

Vitamins - 1000mg of vit C, A to Z multivit, 1000mg Evening Primrose oil.

Exercise - 30 mins cardio & toning
30 min brisk walk with dogs.
Hey .. glad to see your still going good. Haven't been on 4 a while as havent been to well. Altho very proud as still managed to keep the diet going and lose 5 pounds last week.
This weeks been hard though as haven't been able to do much exercise, so the scales are currently my enemy.
Keep up the hard work.
Fabulous! 5lbs is great...I wish I could hit numbers like that after my first week, well done you. x x

I think I may be coming down with a cold or bug or something. All I have done is sleep or feel sleepy all day. So exercise has been a no-no today so far but I may try and have a walk later.

10 Weekly Weigh Ins to Go :eek:
3 Days to next weigh-in.

Friday 21st May - today's plan:

b/fast - Exante soup
lunch - Exante strawb shake
tea - chicken and cheese salad
snacks - Exante shake

Water - 3.5litres

Vitamins - 1000mg of vit C, A to Z multivit, 1000mg Evening Primrose oil.
Thank you Kii. ;)

9 Weekly Weigh Ins to Go

Weighed in on Sunday (yes I know a day early, but I was away yesterday) and I am thrilled to say I lost 6lbs. :cool: However I am getting bit fed up of shakes lol...and the chocolate one is really bland but I have enough shakes to last six more weeks, so I will do it until then.

I am staying at my mums tonight and she has cupboards full of cake, biscuits and other junk food. I am going to have to be sooooo good an resist all that sugar laden posion. Wish me luck!

Well todays menu is:
b/fast - Exante vanilla shake (okay)
lunch - Exante choc shake (yuk)
tea - roast beef and kidney bean salad
snacks - diced apple, diced pear

Water - 3.5litres

Exercise - 30 mins cardio, 15 mins toning

Vitamins - 1000mg of vit C, A to Z multivit, 1000mg Evening Primrose oil
9 Weekly Weigh Ins to Go:rolleyes:
5 days to next WI

Didn't feel hungry yesterday so had four packs instead of any food...full of energy though and did an hours cardio and walked the dogs for two hours. Managed to avoid eating any cakes or junk at my mothers, very pleased with myself. Back on plan today...must eat my dinner though, as I have bought the chicken and herb garden salad...don't want to waste it.

Today's menu.
b/fast - Exante strawb shake
lunch - Exante vanilla shake
tea - chicken salad, diced apple
snacks - banana shake, diced pear

Water - 3.5litres

Exercise - 30 mins cardio, 15 mins toning

Vitamins - 1000mg of vit C, A to Z multivit, 1000mg Evening Primrose oil

just wanted to say well done for losing all that weight in such a short time. I am hopefully going on holiday in just over 12 weeks time so would like to lose 3 stone too!

You are very good not caving into temptation, I am rubbish at that and always give in, feeling guilty afterwards. You have inspired me to try and lose 3 stone before my holiday! Will continue to follow your progress!

good luck!
Thank you very muchly :hug99:.

I am not normally so good at resisting temptation...hence the needing to lose five stone but for some reason, this diet has clicked and I am managing to avoid my "binge" foods.

I think drinking lots of water and having a list of stuff to do for when I get bored helps... Boredom is probably my downfall for eating crap.

Good luck on your 12 week goal, an ideal treat at the end to have a holiday eh? Keep up the good work, three stone is possible...lots of hard work but doable. x x

9 weigh ins to go
4 Days to next WI :p

Today's menu.
b/fast - Exante choc shake
lunch - chicken and stir fried veg
tea - Exante banana shake
snacks - strawb shake, 5 pecan nuts

Water - 3.5litres

Exercise - 30 mins cardio, 15 mins toning

Vitamins - 1000mg of vit C, A to Z multivit, 1000mg Evening Primrose oil
9 weigh ins to go
3 Days to next WI :p

Got weighed this morning and have only lost one tiddley pound since Monday so I need to step it up over the weekend and hopefully I can knock another 2lbs on the head. I need to lose 3lbs a week to stay on target.
So I am upping my exercise slightly and drinking more water. I know there is a general consensus that exercise can stall weight loss when you are doing VLCD, but I have always exercised and would be really bored and frustrated not doing it.

I did curse all this water drinking earlier...getting stuck in a traffic jam and desperate for the toilet:mad:...lesson drinking a litre of water immediately before going out in rush hour traffic.

Today's menu.
b/fast - 1/2 strawb shake
lunch - chicken and salad in french dressing
tea - banana shake
snacks - 1/2 strawb shake, apple

Water - 4 litres

Exercise - 45mins cardio

Vitamins - 1000mg of vit C, A to Z multivit, 1000mg Evening Primrose oil
2 Days to next WI

Tres pleased today, I have lost another pound since yesterday...roll on Mondays W.I.
Don't feel hungry at all today...Yay!

Today's menu.
b/fast - 1/2 strawb shake
lunch - prawn stir fry
tea - banana shake
snacks - 1/2 strawb shake, apple

Water - 4 litres

Exercise - 45mins cardio

Vitamins - 1000mg of vit C, A to Z multivit, 1000mg Evening Primrose oil
I am feeling a bit grotty this evening, sickly and headachey...maybe too much sun...maybe it's this diet. Apparently nausea can be a side effect of VLCD...bugger it! But I refuse to stop...I have a 12 week deadline to meet.:p

I am looking forward to the final of Britain's Got Talent this evening, I may toddle off to bed to watch it and then I can go to sleep when I want to.
I am hoping...Aidan Davis or Flawless win.

Was it just me or did that little girl Hollie seem a bit of a stroppy brat last night?

Anyway back to dieting waffle...tomorrow is the last day before my next I better make it count! :scale:

Postscript: Diversity won...and they were bloody good. I think the best act won. :)
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