honk if you were 100% today

My first honk in a very long time :)
Honk day 9 ?
Honk for last few days x
Hoooonk. Blaaaah! WI end of week three lost 3 lbs. My stomach is playing games with my mind. (Or is it the other way round?) Been 100% for three weeks now. Roll on November when I hope to be at target. Blaaaaah! :sigh:
dramaqueen20 said:
Handbag Annie your stats are amazing!!! Well done x :D

Thanks! X
Honk today, no honks yesterday :)
Honking for day 3, proud of myself getting through it.
Retrospective honk for day 4 ;) I forgot all about it and can't miss out. I'll be back in a couple of hours to honk for day 5
Back on track today .......HONK! X
Massive honk from me :0)