honk if you were 100% today

honk for the last 2 days !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honk for yesterday not today i gave in but i will get back on to exante 2moz . Its weired even though ive binged nothing tastes a good as i think it will !!
Honk Sunday and Monday!
Have the most incredible headache today, water intake is adequate (1.5L at time of posting). I think I shall have a nap.
i am sorry to say but i have not honked for a few days, and yes i will admit to bingeing. A few of heard how i got myself into a depression this week and hence what made me feel bettter but food.
But now i am over it i feel so ashamed and thinking what the hell, how did i let some1 do this to me.
It will be a waste of time to get back on track at the moment as i have my grad ball saturday so will be enjoying it. But i promise to get back on track next weeek. Just hope i have not done too much damage tomorrow when i weight in.
sorry guys but i am not gonna lie to u all x
Well done for being so honest. You know you can get back on track and you will do. Hope you have a fab time at your graduation. With the stone and a half that you've already lost you'll be able to hold your head up high and accept any compliments that come your way :)
thanks lisa, but as u know the scales won;t be nice tomorrow. it takes weeks to lose it, but i bet i take 1 week to pile the pounds on, i wil have to see tomorrow and take it on the chin, and get straight back on. i will keeep ya posted. x p.s i have not intentions of givving up just yet. i am hanging on in there. thanks again and i hope u are well x
I wondered where this thread had gone. i thought that it had been deleted. I've been away for a while and although I've been sticking to a diet (of sorts) I've not been TS. But back on TS now so it's a HONK for Monday and another HONK for Tuesday. So far so good today but I am hungryyyyy.
Honk for my 1st day (yesterday) here's to many more!
well done petal i cant honk for the last 2 days been special occasions .
Thanks Rose, you'll soon be back and rearing to go. Oh and another honk from me today