honk if you were 100% today

I kinda resorted to that in the end, TBH, but given that I have intermittent carpal tunnel syndrome, the feeling in my fingertips can be a bit hit 'n' miss at the best of times! lol

Today I had a tough day:-

1) Wanted to put an offer in on a house today that we looked at on Saturday. Was all excitimicated, an' everyfink. Only to find out that an offer was accepted yesterday. On a Sunday. Could have cried, and probably would have done were I not at work. Tried to gazump, to no avail. you win some, you lose some. There is a 'Plan B' home we shall be pursuing instead. Very nice little home, but s'not the first house, though. :cry:

2) It appears I've not really lost much weight this week, relative to the severity of the diet. I appear to be hitting the 'about 1.5st' brick wall again. Again. Seems to happen every soddin' time, didn't expect it with this one, too. Official weigh-in tomorrow morning, but not holding breath. :sigh:

So a dietary honk, just wish the rest of the day hadn't happened... :rolleyes:

Well so far anyway, and it's late enough now that I expect to make it to bed no problem......
It appears I've not really lost much weight this week, relative to the severity of the diet. I appear to be hitting the 'about 1.5st' brick wall again. Again. Seems to happen every soddin' time, didn't expect it with this one, too. Official weigh-in tomorrow morning, but not holding breath. :sigh:

Do, it's a well known dieting fact that you weigh less if you hold your breath when on the scales, same as food pinched off someone else's plate has no calories etc etc! :D

On a more serious note, don't depair just yet. If you've slowed down a bit it could be for any number of reasons and quite often if you have a slow week this week you get a corresponding faster one next week........
HONK!!! Even though the hunger is persisting like a bugger.

Miss D - maybe your body is getting ready for it's add a meal week?
I remember only losing 1 lb one week and then the following week I lost 5.5 lb and was mighty relieved, not totm or anything like that, just no explanation except for my body being contrary I think. Don't worry about it too much, know it is easy to say but some weeks are just like that. Sorry to hear about the house, it is a real sickener, when we were moving last time we lost 2 houses before we got this one so I know just how you feel, but in the end I think we got the better house to be honest.

Bren xx
I agree with Yam, Miss D. And if you re-check the stats of the more veteran VLCDers on here I'm sure you'll see that some weeks they had really low losses - and remember that really low here is completely relative and is actually a pretty significant loss on most other diets!! Chin up, Miss D!! A loss is a loss, don't let the 1.5st mindblock fool you.
Day 5 and no slip ups so far:bliss:Well done all. Great Inspiration
Thanks, it's more of an annoyance than a major problem. It's a known trait unfortunately (and even runs in the family), my weight loss is very rarely consistent, I've even once lost nothing for a fortnight and dropped the whole lot in the third week. It's usually around that point I begin to fall-out with all the assorted group leaders, when I can see in their facial expression that they're doubting my pleas of innocence!

Just didn't really expect it this time, too. It kinda defies the laws of physics, innit.
Do, it's a well known dieting fact that you weigh less if you hold your breath when on the scales, same as food pinched off someone else's plate has no calories etc etc! :D

It's like broken biscuits. broken ones are OK, cos the calories fall out. Or anything sold for charity. It's a good cause, so it doesn't count... etc. ;)
Purplekel and Deedee1, a huge well done for both of you !!!!!
Yam I am loving your honking, it really brings a smile to my face. They seem so heartfelt. I actually find looking at them strangely cathartic, they really do embody the true spirit of honking !
Miss D,..not easy..but...relax..,deep breath, shoulders down and relax the muscles in your face and all the way down to your toes, trust the process. Tell your inner worrier that, soothe it and settle it with loving care. This might be your emotions talking and telling you they need a bit of attention,[that is if you are anything like me] as you said, this is a normal pattern for you, so rationally, for you this is normal. I had a period of two weeks when I didn't lose, it passed. So will this for you.
Re the house move, very annoying, no laws of science, but I swear that you always end up with a house that is better. Maybe you should keep looking and keep in touch with the agent handling the sale of the one you love, sales often fall through after all. In a few weeks time you will be thinner and probably have found the house of your dreams, you are on the right path just keep going. Treat yourself well and take care.
And after a hectic day at work where I felt a little faint - until I realised I had not had time to drink until 2pm!
Thanks TT, it is appreciated. Not feeling too down about the individual loss, I just feel like I've lost a week's progress, which is more frustrating. I'm nearly at a point where I'll feel I'm moving 'forwards', and I was hoping to be there a bit quicker, that's all. But yep, bigger picture, an' all that.

And am keeping an eye on house 1 still, in the event of it all contractually going pearshaped. But we are now pursuing house 2, which is smaller, cheaper, a nice little pad and is probably the more sensible option. And won't have to put up a fight for it. It'll all turn out right in the end - it usually does ;)
honk, and am well pleased this was my hardest day yet and thats it done!

But this evening has been hard. :( Have just had my last half shake and am trying to drink lots of water.

Made worse cos I had to go to tesco to get petfood and bottled water, I found myself fingering stuff...... but I didn't buy anything.......