honk honk !! day 17 x
Jessie 888 one life only 23 March 2011 #1,742 Honk honk, living like a monk! OK so it doesn't exactly rhyme but I'm proud of being 100% for 5 weeks!
Honk honk, living like a monk! OK so it doesn't exactly rhyme but I'm proud of being 100% for 5 weeks!
squeeze86 Full Member 24 March 2011 #1,750 Honkage day 18... 19??? I can't even remember!! But honk for the past few days too... Getting slack with the honking lol. But 100% all the way
Honkage day 18... 19??? I can't even remember!! But honk for the past few days too... Getting slack with the honking lol. But 100% all the way
Jessie 888 one life only 25 March 2011 #1,758 Honk honk. It's the first day I haven't even thought about food. Yay!