Surfhunny said:When I was with Ash I did 2 weeks of CD and 2 weeks off and lost no weight at all because we had massive blow outs when he was home. I worked out how much I'd spend on food etc doing sw or ww and it works out a bit cheaper to do CD for me. Maybe try working out how much you'd spend on food during the week, and see how it comes out before you make a decision.
BUT I'm really glad things are still going well with Mr Lovely xx
RhiBro said:Yay!! Glad he's really living up to his name. Do you feel comfortable telling him you're watching your weight yet? Perhaps you don't have to mention the dreaded 'food replacement' bit, but just a mention of dieting and being careful where foods concerned. Perhaps then you can try to keep food-related dates to once a week. Then, each week you could potentially do 3 or 4 days in ketosis, an still have the normal dating lifestyle?! The rest of the week stick to cinema/walking/shopping type non-foody stuff?
Or an I being unrealistic, it's so long since I dated I'm totally out of touch with etiquette!!!
kimmi1982 said:Good point- I would easily spend more than 42 pounds a week on food and a weekly weigh in class. At least this way I'm not using all my shakes so actually might be financiallly better off but slower weight loss! My goal is still my friends birthday party on July 27th - that's 3 months, 12 weeks away so even if i lost a measly one pound a week I would be 12st 5- I'll take that!!!
You are doing so well surf, your my motivation at the moment and you will see the 13s very very soon! What shall we do to celebrate?! Have a coke zero while dancing to justin bieber??! ;-) xx