Hoping weight loss finds me a husband diary!!

Hi Kimmi --

I think Kez and Surfhunny are correct. You'll drop whatever glycogen and water you are retaining and be back in the pink in no time!

Great attitude... and a loss is a loss. ;)

I missed the show -- but from what I've read on Minimins tonight: they're a bunch of loser losers. ;)
Well I'm back into ketosis and am 2 pounds lighter (14st 2)- must be fluid from the popcorn!! I am going to have a brilliant week and be in the 13s by Monday!!! Xx
Way to be positive, Kimmi! YOU GO GIRL!!!! To Monday and Beyond...

Good girl, I'm 2 lbs off being in the 17's! Let make sure we get into the new stone brackets :)
Me, too -- I'm close to my next bracket. Let's all work to be there next Monday. :)
Well I have finally been rejected! I never really got over my ex, I deeply loved him and was heartbroken when one year ago he told me that we want different things! We remained friends, and saw each other weekly for dinner and cinema- to be honest nothing much changed only the title!! So as I'm losing weight and getting my confidence back I sent a text saying that I wished he was mine- this was the response. . . .
What u said Sunday night, wishing I was yours, you don't want me, u can do much better, I'm a mess, emotionally, got hurt by someone, not let anyone else in, to be honest don't really know if I'm over her, which is crap as it was so long ago!! Upset with myself over it.... You deserve SO much better then me! X
I'm hurt- I want to go out an eat chocolate or kfc but I'm not! This is the kick I need! The only way I can move on is to get rid of him, delete his number, delete his facebook - am I being neurotic??!! Xx
Oh Kim that's poop :( it's exactly what happened to me with my ex, except we were going out at the time. He worked off shore and emailed me saying it was over. I had lots of stuff at his house and vice versa so had to see him one last time to swap belongings and that was the hardest thing. He said he needed to be on his own to get over what had happened in the past with his ex, he wouldnt go into detail but said he thought he was ready to move on but realises after several months together that he wasnt. So after that we've had no contact at all. And for me that was the easiest way. He deleted me from facebook , but it took me a long time to delete his number from my phone, but it's done now and I'm okay, but it felt really sh!t at the time.

I can totally understand how you feel but what was right for me might not be right for you. Give it a couple of days and then see how you feel. But just remember you're fab and deserve better, we don't need men like that, big hugs xxxx
Not at all! It sounds like a bit if a feeble get out clause too, it's not you it's me. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is walk away, but only you know what needs to be done.

Also, confidence and independance is a bit attraction. I can guarantee if you make a clean break and he sees your moving on, I can guarantee he will come back looking to see what he's missing. Human curiosity, by which point if you've given yourself some me time and got your head round things you may not even want him anymore.

Familiarity is comforting, but sometimes it's not actually the person we want, were just to scared to go out and find someone else.

I also hate rejection, I don't cope well with it at all! Besides, it's clearly his loss!
Thanks guys- we've been broken up for over a year now, guess I never accepted it and needed to hear these words again! I need to treat him like this diet, get rid of him all together and slowly get back in the dating game when I'm ready!

Don't get me wrong, I'm tearful and scared but no it's for the best! I'm so lucky I have no food in the house otherwise I would be so emotional eating right now!! Xx
And it's really not worth it. Ash dumped me just before Christmas and for a week I didn't eat, only had CD for nutrition, but then I got angry and started troughing, used Christmas as an excuse to eat and drink as much as I want, I gained a stone and felt like I was still carrying him around until I lost it again, that was a good day!! And then there was that sodding ash cloud and all I heard for weeks was his name on the news, everywhere. Lol it felt like a conspiracy, a way of stopping me from getting over him. But now 14 months later I'm totally over him!!

Still not sure about dating again though eeek :eek:
Just show him what he's missing and then if he comes sniffing back around, you can return the favour ! Lol
I split with my first love and regretted it every day. we'd been split for over a year when I met Scott and I told him how I felt and carried this torch for my ex for a good couple of years. Then one day he joined facebook and I added him, had a really good nose at his profile and chatted to him. It didn't take me long to realise why I had split with him and that I had moved on to better things. I think something the longer we pine for someone the more we glorify them and put them on a pedastool.

It's easy to forget the bad bits, or tell our selves they weren't really that bad.
That's so true, one of my exs is now randomly married to one of my friends and she puts up will all kinds of cr@p from him, that thinking back I put up with too, nut conveniently forgot when I was pining for him lol.

My mum told me this after me & Ash broke up...."One day someone will come into your life and make you realise why none of your past relationships worked!" let's hope so huh?
Ah that's nice, but its true, things do happen for a reason! It might just be hard to see the reason right now. X
I totally believe that too!! Anyway now that me and Kerry have hijacked your diary Kim I'm going say goodnight and hope you're feeling better soon xx
Thanks guys!! This site is like therapy- I love it!!! Don't think I'll get much sleep tonight, thoughts keel running through my head!! However have tomorrow off so nice long lie in and pick my new car up at 2!!! Yey!! X x


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Love it!
jhope your feeling better about your ex today.men are such emtional retards at times.

love the new car.x