How are you target members doing out there?

014.jpgHere's the crate :)

And here's the wand 011.jpg

This year I've had a bit of a thing for vintage brooches as gifts - I've picked up some absolutely stunning ones on ebay for a song (or several songs lol) ... so tonight I really must make some gift boxes for them to go into
Bless you Jaffa ... I'm just a crafter lol, it's less talent (I see talent as being able to draw or paint or create music etc) and more just being a cheapskate who never buys anything if I can make it cheaper ;)
One pound on for me this week, but still in Target range for Christmas number 4, so, got to be happy with that!
Congratulations Ginlin that is a real achievement.
I am hoping to join you all next week only half a pound from my target

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Considering the tsunami of mince pies, chocolates and work 'do's' that threaten to engulf us all at this time of year I reckon we're all doing pretty darn well with less than a fortnight to go :D
Considering the tsunami of mince pies, chocolates and work 'do's' that threaten to engulf us all at this time of year I reckon we're all doing pretty darn well with less than a fortnight to go :D
Re the mince pies...I shifted myself out the bed at 8.30am this morning...yeah I know but that's early for ME!! make mince pies. I made 16.
5 to give my sister in law, 5 for her friend (we all went out for lunch) 2 for my neighbour (she's 86 and I really like her) to have with her morning coffee and 2 each for Joseph & I. Conclusion of the story...nil left!! :(
But none left is a good thing :D (and you can always make more ;) ) I've made mainly shortbread and freezer biscuits tonight - all safely tucked away in the freezer now.

Well I apparently made our local paper today ... and aged 18 years in the process LOL. What's really scary is that no-one looked at the accompanying photos and thought 'Hold on a minute, she surely can't be 67? We must have got that wrong - better just check' :rotflmao::rotflmao: That'll be my decision to embrace grey ;)
Thank you!
Well done for making the paper.
Have to say I kind if feel 'illegal' posting in here as I am not a target member yet

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Janet's right Jen - you're always welcome as far as I'm concerned :D

Yes Janet it's to do with my weight loss ... I've been named as SW's 'Luton Woman of the Year' apparently (first I've heard of it LOL). It must be a slow news week ;)