Yeah a bit. My sister and her family call me anorexic now, yet my bmi is 24.5 to 25. On the very top end of normal. I got the "you dont want to lose any more now" after about five stone. You'll get the "you are starting to look gaunt" as well.
I am sure a bit of it is jealousy but some of it genuine concern. Its an instinctive thing to associate rapid change with bad things. In this case, rapid weight loss is often a sign of a serious illness.
Every doctor ive mentioned my weight loss to, has looked very concerned, until i add it was intentional. People are used to you looking a certain way. Also, when your face is puffed out, all those imperfections are all puffed, but lose the weight and they start to show up.
It can also take a while for your face to grow into the new you. I do like playing the "guess how much ive lost" game.
People just don't like change. They see a change in your appearance and think that it means that you will change as a person. It makes them feel insecure.
But to call you "anorexic" is cruel and wicked, to my mind. It is not a word that should be used in that way.