How do you make your shakes/soups

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What you can do with a milkshake pack!

So I did LighterLife last year and found this was how I got through 8 months without it ever being "boring!" You do NOT lose any of the nutritional value of the packs and this is all allowed.

I usually have the Milkshake Ice-Cream on a Friday or Saturday night and it feels like a real treat! You do get a huge bowl out of it! Yum!!!

Hope this is helpful,

Jem xxxxx



  • Hot Vanilla Latte: Blend 400ml (or to your taste) boiling water with your vanilla pack and two teaspoons of coffee granules. Blend until all the powder has blended in and it is nice and frothy.
  • Hot Mocca Latte: Blend 400ml (or to your taste) boiling water with your chocolate pack and two teaspoons of coffee granules. Blend until all the powder has blended in and it is nice and frothy. (I also add two tablet sweeteners as it can be quite bitter)
  • Hot Banana Drink: 400ml (or to your taste) boiling water with your Banana pack. Blend until all the powder has blended in and it is nice and frothy.
  • Milky Way Delight: 400ml (or to your taste) boiling water with half a chocolate pack and half a vanilla pack. Blend until all the powder has blended in and it is nice and frothy.

You can try any of the shakes hot- these are my favourite ones hot!


  • Vanilla Latte: Blend/Shake 300mls (or to your taste) of ice cold water with your vanilla pack and two teaspoons of coffee powder (Espresso Coffee- fine powder). Blend/shake until all the powder has blended in and it is nice and frothy.
  • Milky Way Delight: Blend/Shake 300ml (or to your taste) of ice cold water with half a chocolate pack and half a vanilla pack. Blend/Shake until all the powder has blended in and it is nice and frothy.
  • Fluffy Banana: Blend/Shake 300ml (or to your taste) of ice cold water with half a banana pack and half a vanilla pack. Blend/Shake until all the powder has blended in and it is nice and frothy.
  • Strawberry Cheesecake: Blend/Shake 300ml (or to your taste) of ice cold water with half a strawberry pack and half a vanilla pack. Blend/Shake until all the powder has blended in and it is nice and frothy.
  • Mocca: Blend/Shake 300mls (or to your taste) of ice cold water with your chocolate pack and two teaspoons of coffee powder (Espresso Coffee- fine powder). Blend/shake until all the powder has blended in and it is nice and frothy.
  • Chocolate Banana Delight: Blend/Shake 300ml (or to your taste) of ice cold water with half a banana pack and half a chocolate pack. Blend/Shake until all the powder has blended in and it is nice and frothy.
  • Fruit Bowl: Blend/Shake 300ml (or to your taste) of ice cold water with half a banana pack and half a strawberry pack. Blend/Shake until all the powder has blended in and it is nice and frothy.


You can use any milkshake pack to do this but my favourite is vanilla ice cream! :D


  • Empty milkshake into your blitzing container (a tall one works best).
  • Add 50mls of water and blend
  • It will become a very thick paste consistency
  • Once it is all blended add two ice-cubes and blitz
  • Keep blending until there are no obvious big bits of ice
  • Add another two and repeat the process
  • Keep adding two at a time until you get the consistency that you like.

I usually add 10 ice cubes in total but everybody is different I suppose. Play about with it until you are satisfied with the end result.

TOP TIP: If you have a sweet tooth you can add 10ml of boiling water with two tablet sweeteners dissolved in it. It makes it taste like proper ice cream!
(If doing so only add 40 ml of water in addition to the 10ml)

TOP TIP: If you want to mix things up even more, you can add half a bar (all broken up) and put it into your ice cream. It will make it feel really indulgent!


You can use any milkshake pack to do this but my favourite is banana! :D


  • Empty milkshake into blitzing container
  • Add 75mls of boiling water and blend
  • It will become a thick, runny paste.
  • Add more water if this is too thick for you
  • Once all the powder is blitzed, empty into a small bowl and enjoy!

TOP TIP: If you have a sweet tooth you can add 10ml of boiling water with two tablet sweeteners dissolved in it. It makes it taste amazing!
(If doing so only add 65 ml of water in addition to the 10ml)

TOP TIP: If you fancy a really “pudding” why not chop up one of the bars and then pour the custard on top. It really makes it feel like a treat!
Okay, made them and ate them for tea. Not bad actually, saves me eating yucky soup for another day :)
All the VLCDs are unanimous that you DO lose nutrients if you microwave the packs etc. Just adding boiling water to them is a totally different thing though :)
I presume this isn't the case for the porridge as the instructions are to microwave them lol x
Hot water, lots of whisking!
Mine says hot water, microwave 1 min, stir, then microwave again 1 - 1.5 mins, leave to stand for 2 mins lol x
Amazing tips here, so far I love the bars and shakes. The soups however :/ not so much!!
ooh i love the biscuit idea thanks so much i hate the porridge and i have ten packs left :D woop cant wait lol :)xx
Okay, the soups are absolutely unbearable :( any tips? Love the shakes and bars, may have too offload the soups :)
Okay, the soups are absolutely unbearable :( any tips? Love the shakes and bars, may have too offload the soups :)
I'd sell on eBay lol no ideas to make them
Fingers crossed this works! Trying to work out how to upload pictures on an iPad is hurting my brain... Anyway, yes here we have the finished product, and I'm quite happy to say I could have eaten a gazillion! They were crunchy on the outside but softish in the middle. Tasted at first just like bread! I decided in the end that the closest flavour I could think of was like those Hovis biscuits you get with cheese? Sweet but savoury if you know what I mean. Pretty bland but very edible! :D


What drink is that in this piccy? Looks very very yumms.
It's coffee from my coffee machine, it's a Bosch tassimo. Just black coffee but goes a bit frothy!
Saddlebag said:
It's coffee from my coffee machine, it's a Bosch tassimo. Just black coffee but goes a bit frothy!

Lol looks gorge. For a moment I thought it was bullion and was confused how mine doesn't look like that!
I tried these porridge 'cookies' two days ago and made three out of a packet. I REALLY did not enjoy them whatsoever as the inside was mushy, I just generally did not like it and ended up throwing two and a half of them away. However because I do not like to eat the porridge in 'porridge' state as I feel it is too watery, I decided to try again this morning. I used teaspoon amounts and spread them wafer thin on a piece of grease proof paper (making in all around 12 cookies). I can honestly say they are absolutely DELICIOUS this morning. They are as crunchy as Jacobs crackers and taste like toast. In my opinion they are so much more palatable when they are crunchy the whole way through, but I must admit I got the idea from this thread so I am not taking any credit. :) x

P.s I am eating them as I type and they are such a treat. :D
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I made the porridge cookies and loved them!

Will cook for longer next time but were quite gooey like flapjack! Really enjoyed them :) thankyou so much for the idea xxxx


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I just boughts some flavored coffee grounds. God its lush. It's nice for mixing with the shakes. I just had creme brulee so nice. I have got 7 flavours left to try. I ordered them off I got French vanilla, Irish cream, sticky toffee, cinnamon, Christmas pudding, chocolate cherry, hazel nut, and creme burlee.

So my thoughts for drinks
Cinnamon coffee with chocolate shake to make Spanish hot chocolate.
Sticky toffee coffee with bannana for hot sticky toffee bannana pudding.
Vanilla coffee and strawberry shake
The rest will either mix with vanilla or chocolate.

Today I'm doing 2 tea spoons of vanilla shake in with 2 cups of coffee (i have a bean to cup machine) so I have about 4 or 5 cups. Yum!

(cross posted with my diary)
Porridge cookies made with cinnamon.... Delish


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