How does s&s compare to cambridge?


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I have done cambridge in the past, and I'm thinking of goimg back on a vlcd, but due to the cost of cambridge I'm thinking of trying s&S, are there any ex cders out there who can advise how it compares to cambridge taste wise. I have also noticed that you can have vegetables with s&s, does this affect weight loss as these weren't allowed on cambridge ss.
I can't compare the two as never done CD but I can say having the veg has really helped my weightloss, I think it's boosting my metabelism as I started having veg a couple of weeks back and my losses have been great!
Yeah i can, i did CD a couple of years and was very successful. On CD i just had skakes, soups, bars and made some shakes into mousses! with SnS i have shakes, bars, soups, meals plus extra 100g protein and 200g veg oh and coke zero! it is by far in my opinion the best vlcd out there! i was recently on Lipotrim for 3 weeks and yes very sucessful with my weight loss but i was miserable and depressed since coming over onto SnS i have been much happier as theres more variety and its really easy and cheap to do! go for it you have nothing to lose except weight! go on to Slim and Save website and order yourself some samples to try!
Thank you for your input. Going to have a look at the website and send off for a weeks supply to see how I go.