How Far Are You From Goal?

Since last year I have lost 22 Kg and I have another 22 Kg to go.
I started at 19.5 stone and my ideal weight would be between 12-14stone i've lost 1lb short of 3stone atm so another 3stone to go :D
Start - 21st 2lbs
Currently - 18st 6lbs
Target - changes between 13 and 11 stone... :)

Still a way to go, but getting there!! :D
Over 60 pounds left for me, but I'm in no rush and I wanna make sure it's gone for good :)
Im exactly 3 stone off my goal weight.

It feels soooo far away. ]:

I have only 5lbs until my first goal weight! I've lost exactly 4.5 stone in just 16 weeks! :) After that, I think I might lose another stone so I am comfortably in a healthy bmi range and can nip into topshop and grab whatever strikes my fancy without feeling like an elephant in a shop full of stick insects!!! x
Start weight-300lbs (21st 6lbs)
Current weight-268lbs (19st 2lbs)
So have lost 32lbs (2st 4lbs) so far

Weight left to lose.....118lbs (8st 6lbs)
But Im getting there,slowly but surely!
I have six stone two pounds to lose in total to get to my maximum healthly weight range (may have to lose up to two more stone for medical reasons but that is far too way off to think of) and have only been doing this for just under seven weeks but given my goal date is Christmas 2010, I am actually a wee bit ahead by a couple of pounds for the moment.
Started - 24 stone
Current - 15 stone
Target - 12 stone

Total loss needed of 12 stone, 10 stone lost but a stone went back on and put me back up to 15, although I havent actually put any fat on, but I have muscle and I think the rest is water retention, because I ate quite a bit of sodium the few days before i weighed! So time will tell what it was :)
start weight 14st 9lbs
current weight 9st 13lbs
goal weight 9st 3lbs,
10lbs still to lose
Start weight: 12st 13lbs
Current weight: 12st
First Target weight: 11st

1 stone to go and then I'll take it from there! Good luck and well done everyone!
I've lost 27lbs, got 54lbs to go to my main target (to be under 12 stone), so that's a third of the way there in 6 weeks, but I'm not expecting the rest to come off that quickly. After that I'd ideally like to get down to 150lbs, that's the dream weight. Although when I say to people I still want to lose 5 stone they tell me no way should I lose that much and I'd look silly, just think everyone is used to seeing me fat!
I think a lot of people see stones as different to us though, we see 14 pounds, they see A STONE, WOAH HUGE WEIGHT, lol it is a lot but not as much importance as non dieters tend to think.

just read through this thread! Most of which is really inspiring. I like the idea of having interim goals too. I think that these may well help me stick to my plan, especially if I have nice little rewards planned>

Thanks Guys!
Well today I weighed in at 14 stone 13.2 lb. My provisional weight loss goal is to get to 11 stone 10lb. I can see myself reducing that to about 10 stone. But I will have to see how I feel when I get to my provisional goal.

I’m 3 stone 3lb away from my provisional goal. Which doesn’t sound too bad, actually! I started at 17 stone 12 lb.