How fast did I walk???!

hehe yep I love beer lol!!

Have a pint on fridays but mostly drink whiskey!!

Vodka makes me angry!!

You should come out in belfast one night Hobo :)

My ex is from Glengormley! x
Eating it now :) its yummy!!

Usually make it in the microwave but I couldnt find the bowl i need to make it in so made it on the stove and it took ages lol!!
hehe Chelly Im a trooper!

girls loving beer?! whats the world come to lol!! stay away from it as long as possible! avoid hangovers like this!
I used to drink about 5 litres of beer on a night out!

And wondered why I had a beer belly hahah!!!
Sounds like hard work... cooking it on the stove! lol!

It's funny how some drinks change your attitude! Aftershock sends me crazy!!! Evil stuff!!
Yeah I'd love to go on a night out in Belfast! Show off my new figure! lol!
Maybe I should build up my tolerance for drinkies first! Wouldn't want to show u up being fast asleep in the corner after one or two!!! lol! :)
If I have a little beer it'll be coors light! I just love it too much to give it up completely!!! :)
Four pints???!! Sure that's nothing! I wouldn't even have felt tipsy on that! lol!!!
Oh yourself an Irish man??!!! Only joking! he he!x
Yes, that's true!!! Spirits and shots area bad idea for me after beer as the night gets hazier and hazier and i do silly things!!! lol!
Sounds like hard work... cooking it on the stove! lol!

It's funny how some drinks change your attitude! Aftershock sends me crazy!!! Evil stuff!!
Yeah I'd love to go on a night out in Belfast! Show off my new figure! lol!
Maybe I should build up my tolerance for drinkies first! Wouldn't want to show u up being fast asleep in the corner after one or two!!! lol! :)
If I have a little beer it'll be coors light! I just love it too much to give it up completely!!! :)

haha Dont worry! if you fall asleep ill carry you to a taxi lol!! :)

Ive actually never tried coors light.. must try it!!

us Girls know how to do it right :D

I love sambuka!!

Used to drink red aftershock all the time until once my pee was red after drinking a whole bottle to myself.. never again!! hahahah!!!

At my sister wedding my uncle bought my cousin (his daughter) and her friends tequilla!

You should have seen their faces taking them lol!!! it was hilarious!!!
Tequila is evil too! My god a whole bottle of red aftershock!! No wonder your pee turned red!! he he!!!
I've never tried coors light either....can't wait! :)

Poor Ollie, nothing much u can do, but drink water and hide under the duvet for the day! xx
Im glad I dont get hangover headaches, I just get a sore stomach and feel groggy :D
I used to love the gaviscon tablets, my mum used to buy them and I remember stealing them from her bag when I was like 8 and eating the whole tube hahaha