Will update over the weekend. Won't be impressive as I forgot to wear my fitbit some days when I was away and it was too hot to do lots of walking. However, at least I'll have some miles to record!
9th - 12th Sept (day 72 - 103 remaining)
Total to date = 350.27, Last few days = 20.89, Total = 371.16, Target = 870, Miles remaining = 498.84
Avg to date 5.155
Avg required 4.843
Lynne: Miles 10th August to 12th September 76.27 - Total miles 205.63 - Target miles 1800 - Miles to go 1594.37
Daily average so far: 2.74 miles
Daily average required: 15.18 miles
Not doing so good but I'm going to do a new miles challenge for the whole of next year starting January 1st so I'll have something to pit myself against!
13th Sept (day 73 - 102 remaining)
Total to date = 371.16, Today = 13.73, Total = 384.89, Target = 870, Miles remaining = 485.11
Avg to date 5.272
Avg required 4.755
14th Sept (day 74 - 101 remaining)
Total to date = 384.89, Today = 5.15, Total = 390.04, Target = 870, Miles remaining = 479.96
Avg to date 5.270
Avg required 4.752
15th Sept (day 75 - 100 remaining)
Total to date = 390.04, Today = 8.58, Total = 398.62, Target = 870, Miles remaining = 471.38
Avg to date 5.314
Avg required 4.713
16th - 19th Sept (day 79 - 96 remaining) Total to date = 398.62, To date = 24.83, Total = 423.45 Target = 870, Miles remaining = 446.55 Avg to date 5.360 Avg required 4.651
20th - 21st Sept (day 81 - 94 remaining) Total to date = 423.45, To date = 14.53, Total = 437.98 Target = 870, Miles remaining = 432.02 Avg to date 5.407 Avg required 4.595 arty0011: I'm more than halfway through my miles