How to deal with comments?


Silver Member
I am finding it really hard to deal with people commenting on my loss. How do you react?!?! Of course I am proud of myself and love people noticing but I just don't know how to respond haha

strange I know..
It depends on the comment, when people just point out that I'd lost weight recently, I don't know what to say (seems a bit pointless) but if people say I look good, I usually say thanks followed by 'i feel good'.

Its crazy how many people feel about complimenting/complements. Sooo many times I'll see something in someone that I think is beautiful, i dunno like really goregous hair, and have to hold my tounge because I'm scared of how they will react if i blurt it out what i think...ahh how good would it be if we all felt better about it :)
Ive never been goood at taking compliments i think its because i dont feel i deserve them!
Apart from one friend who knows I'm on this diet, no-one's said a thing! I've gone from a size 18/20 top/16 bottom to 14 top 12 bottom and not a word, tho a few funny looks. I suppose people notice something's different, just can't place what - I'M BLOOMING SLIM, THAT'S WHAT!!!!! :D:D
people are strange creatures! i have had alot of people not bat an eyelid, I have gone from a 24 to an 18 but then some people comment all the time!
I think people notice but dont want to say it incase you havent and they dont want you to think they thought you looked fat to begin with?? You know what I mean?? I think someone has to know you really well to be able to complement you!

It is strange though!

Apart from one friend who knows I'm on this diet, no-one's said a thing! I've gone from a size 18/20 top/16 bottom to 14 top 12 bottom and not a word, tho a few funny looks. I suppose people notice something's different, just can't place what - I'M BLOOMING SLIM, THAT'S WHAT!!!!! :D:D

I'm so pleased I'm not the only one. Incidently I was exactly the same size as you were and am the same size as you are spooky!!!! I am actually beginning to get a bit miffed by it. It must be obvious to everyone but no one comments. I am beginning to wonder if I am of such little consequence to anyone that they never noticed me then and still don't now. Lol!!!!!:cry:
or I'm wondering if its all in my head!
I'm not smaller I'm just dressing better haha

I hate how I can't notice how different I look and I am really worrying that nobody will notice when I go back to uni on friday.
I don't see any difference yet, but I can easily fit into things that were much too tight. I don't think anyone will notice for several more stone with me.

Mind you, a work colleague did say that my hair looked really nice yesterday and asked whether I had done something with it. In my normal self-deprecating fat person's way, I did say it was a sheer fluke, but it left me wondering if:

a) my chubby chops might be getting less noticeable;

b) he only commented because he's gay and might notice more than most straight men;

c) I normally look as if I have been dragged through a hedge backwards and that by some chance of fate I managed to look presentable for once.

I won't spend too much time stressing about the right answer. I'm just grateful that the weight's coming off slowly but surely. :)
ive lost 2 stone and nobody has said a thing apart from my mum who knows im doing the diet im going to visit some friends and family on the 9th so am hoping to get some comments i dont usually feel uncomfortable when people comment i just love it and feel really proud. (big head lol)
A few people at work have noticed - and said well done - but I find it hard to be very graceful - I guess I am so conscious there is lots more still to come off and tend to end up sounding a bit grumpy ... along the lines of " well - so far so good" very reserved response - at home its a different matter and all the family are really encouraging & prase me loads which is lovely. My hubby is itching to take me out shopping for new clothes but I don't want many yet cos I want to stay motivated to carry on losing for te next few months. Like you I guess we have to start getting used to a new perception of ourselves and being used to feeling better about how we look!
Last time I lost 4 stone no one noticed til I lost 3 stone! then it was like everyone noticed and were shocked! I said 'well I have been losing weight for months'. I think also I wasn't able to get properly into smaller clothes straight away, but I then went out and got some proper fitting clothes. I suppose those around me weren't taking much notice of my appearance and suddenly I was a skinny minny.

Can't wait to get back into my size 12/14s ahhhh, how vie missed them!
You know I think you have a point - until we get to a lower weight we are partly invisible to lots of people - we still look fat to them - and they are not seeing degrees of fatness - just that I am the big woman who sits in the corner type of thing!
Hmm, Just wait until you get to a "okish" size but you still want to lose a stone or 2 more to get to sz 12 and people start telling you to stop dieting as you are getting too thin! I cant work that out?! This happened to me the very first time i did the diet in 2008. I got to about 12st and all my friends were saying i looked great and shouldnt lose anymore weight! Mad! Guess they wanted me to stay the fat one!
yeah i done lighterlife in 2008 after my second child and one friend who is a size 12 kept telling me i look fine at size 14 even though i was nearly getting in to 12s. strange
I am finding that I am beginning to find out who my friends are, and alot of boys that mucked me around have crept out of the woodwork.

this is becoming quite a personal journey and affecting all areas of my life. But I wouldn't change it for the world
I just walked into the front room after getting changed into a new outfit and my mums jaw hit the floor.

that was nice :D
I just walked into the front room after getting changed into a new outfit and my mums jaw hit the floor.

that was nice :D

ahh well done you must be looking hot now. its so nice isnt it ive got some treggings on today and i feel great woohoo