How to deal with comments?

Whenever I have told my friends that I am embarking on yet another diet the standard response is usually ''why???? We never think of you as being fat!!!!'' I have never ever been able to understand this............maybe what they are saying is true friends don't think of you as a size??????? I dunno I am confused :confused:
I find the comments hard to deal with too - I sometimes avoid people! But when I do get comments I just say thank you and yes I have lost weight and yes it was diet and exercise - no quick fixes!!! Some people are genuinely pleased for me and some are just jealous!!! Keep it up everyone we should all feel very proud of ourselves.
Ok ok I take it all back................I met a friend for coffee this afternoon and she was so complementary about my new figure it was embarrassing............NOT!!!!! I lapped it up. x
I posted a new picture on facebook and I have had lots of lovely comments and people messaging me asking me my "secret"

Looking forward to being even smaller now!
one of the reasons i want to lose the weight quickly b4 i return to work is that i know that as soon as i get to a siz3 16 again some people in my vicinity would say i should stop losing weight! so i just want to be able to return to work a similar weight to b4 i got pregnant (size 14) and just get on with it.

i just find it harder to shrink with everyone watching. the good thing about being a stay at home mum is that no one really saw me getting this big and no one has to see me losing it either
I wanted a quick weight loss because I wanted to go back to uni and really show people what I was capable of!

I hope it works!
Its a laugh sometimes how others react isn't it! A colleague at work recently lost over 3 stone and has (understandably) been really pleased about it - she was on CD - she was quite vocal about having lost enough and being happy to maintain - but as soon as she noticed my weight starting to drop .. you've guessed it - she has gone back on the plan - she is soooo competitive she can't bear to think some-one else might catch her up and steal her lime-light. I would have a very long way to go mind - and I don't want to make quite such a song and dance of it all as she has - lol! - I am just doing this for me.
I have had a similar problem Owup. The 'I'm not having her thinner than me' has raised its ugly head again this week - all said in a jokey way of course. I seriously don't know what is the problem with some people. Like you I'm also doing this for me as at 27st I was literally killing myself.
Wow! Awaken Me! what a spectacular loss, and you are still going strong. You are a real inspiration, and when I am flagging I will remind myself to keep at it as well.
I was a bit embarrassed when people commented (i lost 38lbs so far) and I felt the fact they comment is that they thought I was 'fat' in the first place KWIM. One or two people I know have made compliments and it did feel good but on the whole I tend to just say thankyou and change the subject.