Just wanted to say I have Gok Wan's book (Mum got it as a birthday present) and its fantastic, he goes through loads of different body shapes and dressing to flatter each one - even gives advice on combining styles if you fall across more than one shape - eg curvy girls might also be 'cleavage divas' as he puts it! Would thoroughly recommend it to anyone!
I've only recently discovered this programme, but it's great I like the fact that it has people with real problems who need help (unlike some of the women that Trinny & Susannah used to makeover), and the fact that they're not afraid to show heavier women on the show, particularly during the "test the products" sections.
It's amazing what a bit of psychology and confidence can do for someone. Gok's the man!
I could spit that I missed it too! there's a tv war going on in my house every night - between son and ex over who has the right to watch their programmes! So, of course, Carol doesn't get a look in - as usual!
I love how to look good naked and thought last nights programme was FAB. But did anyone catch the name of the company that supplied that all in one underwear? Not exactly glamorous, but if it works, then I want one!